Arizona Appeals Court Overturns Monica Jones's Conviction for 'Walking While Trans'

Arizona Appeals Court Overturns Monica Jones's Conviction for 'Walking While Trans'

As Monica Jones and her supporters celebrate this victory, the prominent activist says work still remains to vacate her charges and remove unfair laws from the books entirely.

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Mitch Kellaway

The Time My Boss Outed Me

The Time My Boss Outed Me
Embarrassed, humiliated, shocked and even shamed. Those are some of the emotions I felt when my jackass of a boss outed me many years ago.

I’m proud to say that I’ve been out of the closet for several years now, and feel no shame, but it was a long and sometimes painful road.

Back then there weren’t many public figures that were out, and I feared if anyone found out about by sexuality, it could ruin my career in broadcasting.

In 2015, it’s much easier to be out the closet. There’s more acceptance, but make no mistake, there are still plenty of haters out there. In some states, members of the LGBT community can be fired based solely on their sexuality.

Years after the first outing incident, I was working in another city for another employer and was outed again. But this time, it was totally different.

I write about both experiences in my new book, The Perception Myth. Here’s an excerpt:

I was working in a small town in Texas, and when the general manager of the radio station found out I was gay, our relationship took a big turn for the worse. He had listened in on my phone conversations with my friend, Tony. That’s how he found out.

During a staff meeting about our new health plan, my boss announced that we had a million-dollar cap, adding, “That ought to cover AIDS, Brad.” I was mortified. First, I wasn’t out to the rest of the staff and second, what a horrible thing to say! He was an asshole — you will encounter them in your lifetime. He thought I would quit, but I didn’t. I didn’t want to be without a job because that would have given him all the power. I waited until I was offered a good position elsewhere before I gave my notice. That was one of the most satisfying days of my life.

In Texas, and many other states, it’s perfectly legal to fire someone because they’re gay, or say such horrific things to homosexual people. You may not condone homosexuality. You may have religious beliefs that conflict with it, but everyone should support laws to prevent employers from making such remarks. And think about this: If you fire people because they’re gay, they’ll be collecting unemployment — something you’re helping fund anyway.

There was another “outing” that occurred at the office, with a far different outcome. I was hired as an anchor at Fox 25 TV in Oklahoma City, partly because I was a friend of the news director’s wife. I’d like to think I was hired for my skills as well. Since she knew I was gay, and had introduced me to the gay executive producer years earlier, he also knew about my sexuality. The first day I arrived for work, Mike, the executive producer, told the staff that it was nice to have another gay man on the team, or something to that effect. I was stunned! This guy had just outed me in front of the staff. But it was also liberating. I had never really come out at any place of business before, but now everybody knew.

I didn’t have to worry about being found out. Mike did me a favor. I was free to be me and live an authentic life. If someone asked me about a date, I didn’t have to use generic pronouns to describe the guy I went out with the night before. I’m sure there were staff members who made fun of me behind my back, but they do that no matter who you are.

It’s hard to describe the feeling of being absolutely authentic. When there are no lies, you don’t have to worry about mixing up your story or having anxiety about a night out at a gay bar. This was one of the highlights of my career, and mostly for personal reasons. I made real connections with coworkers. They got to know the real me without the walls that I had built at previous jobs. It was refreshing, and true freedom.

I relay these two stories because they are opposite experiences. There’s no telling how people will react if you tell them you’re gay or they find out another way. Thank goodness society is changing and in many places it’s not a big deal to have gay staff members. In fact, some places applaud it. But as I mentioned earlier, there are still areas of the country, namely the south, where you can be fired for being gay. That has to change. Nobody should be forced to hide their true identity in order to put food on the table.

Anti-Gay Pastor Is Terrified Of Drinking Semen, Especially In Starbucks Lattes

Anti-Gay Pastor Is Terrified Of Drinking Semen, Especially In Starbucks Lattes

webmd_rf_photo_of_two_percent_latteIt shouldn’t come as much of a surprise that the same man who warned that “Obama has released the homo demons on the black man” is full of other, equally demented wisdom.

In a recent interview, Pastor David Manning of the ATLAH World Mission Church in Harlem had a few things to say about semen.

He preceded his comments with, “Anytime anybody anywhere speaks the truth it becomes for those who oppose it controversial,” which does have some logical application. But we’ll let his “truth” speak for itself here.

Asked about his previous description of drinking semen as “having a good time,” he responded:

“Well, you know, you are pushing me up against a corner here. A number of people think that semen tastes good. A number of people think that drinking semen is a good idea. No, I don’t think that myself personally. I’m just giving you the references of what other people say. You’ve got literally millions of people around the world that really think that the taste of semen is quite a flavor, and they seek it in the midst of other kinds of activities.”

This includes some “ingenious” people who decided to put semen in Starbucks lattes, which brings a whole new meaning to extra foam.

Also we’re pretty sure if there were a semen industry, he just gave them a new tagline — “Semen — It’s quite a flavor.”

And before you go speculating that Pastor Manning spends way too much time thinking about drinking semen to be straight, he does admit to having been tempted by the “gay lifestyle.” Big shock there.

Another nugget of crazy from his interview is the idea that it isn’t his fault he wants to stone the gays to death, it’s Moses’. #MosesMadeMeDoIt

Here’s the interview if you can stomach it: 

h/t RawStory

Dan Tracer

PHOTOS: Jonathan Groff Unleashes His Enema Selfie And More Of The Looking Cast On Instagram

PHOTOS: Jonathan Groff Unleashes His Enema Selfie And More Of The Looking Cast On Instagram

Things we’ve learned about Jonathan Groff recently:

The more you know!

Well we’ve just leaned another tidbit, courtesy of Looking co-star Frankie J. Alvarez’ Instagram feed. We know his preferred brand of enema. We’re living in the information age, after all.

Here’s some more of what the cast is up to these days:

When in doubt: #besupportive @lookinghbo #lookinghbo #patrick #agustin

A video posted by Frankie J. Alvarez (@sexytosomeppl) on Jan 18, 2015 at 6:37pm PST

Thanks to the good people at Arise Entertainment 360 @arisetv360 for having me on today. Was great chatting with you guys

A photo posted by Raúl Castillo (@officialraulcastillo) on Jan 16, 2015 at 1:15pm PST

????Bear hugs to everybody that watched @lookinghbo this week. #agusteddie #juiceboxrealness #eddiebear #danfranfans

Une photo publiée par Daniel Franzese (@whatsupdanny) le 26 Janv. 2015 à 23h41 PST

????Happy Birthday???? to the incredible @peterdavisnyc! So much ?? for this guy.

A photo posted by Daniel Franzese (@whatsupdanny) on Jan 25, 2015 at 8:44am PST

I love this beach cabin on #Miami beach! #willboone

A photo posted by Russelltovey (@russelltovey) on Jan 24, 2015 at 9:13am PST

With my mate @chattyman in #Miami

A photo posted by Russelltovey (@russelltovey) on Jan 14, 2015 at 9:12pm PST

Dan Tracer

Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore Won't Recognize Tyrannical Pro-Gay Marriage Rulings

Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore Won't Recognize Tyrannical Pro-Gay Marriage Rulings


In a letter to Republican Governor Robert Bentley, Alabama Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore swore his allegiance to bigotry, stating, “I will continue to recognize the Alabama Constitution and the will of the people overwhelmingly expressed in the Sanctity of Marriage Amendment.” Moore called upon Governor Bentley to remain stalwart against the forces of equality. Moore called the recent rulings against Alabama’s ban on same-sex marriage a form of “judicial tyranny.” Via

“I ask you to continue to uphold and support the Alabama Constitution with respect to marriage, both for the welfare of this state and for our posterity,” Moore continued at the end of the letter. “Be advised that I stand with you to stop judicial tyranny and any unlawful opinions issued without constitutional authority.”

Moore went on to declare, “As you know, nothing in the United States Constitution grants the federal government the authority to redefine the institution of marriage.” He also called the arguments put forth by LGBT activists in favor of marriage equality, namely arguments that invoke the Equal Protection, Due Process and Full Faith and Credit Clauses of the United States Constitution, “specious.” 

Moore’s remarks are not surprising given his previous statements calling same-sex marriage a threat to the U.S. Constitution and his support for a federal amendment banning same-sex marriage

As The New Civil Rights Movement points out, Moore had been ousted from his post as Chief Justice in 2003 following his refusal to remove a stone monument of the 10 commandments in the state’s judicial building. However, Moore was re-elected to his old post in 2012. 

Read Moore’s letter for yourself HERE

(Photo via Facebook)

Sean Mandell


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