Mormon Church Now Supports Nondiscrimination Laws To Protect You And The Right Of Religious Bigots To Ignore Them

Mormon Church Now Supports Nondiscrimination Laws To Protect You And The Right Of Religious Bigots To Ignore Them

saltlaketemplepainted630In a major step forward, the Mormon Church has decided that there should be laws to protect LGBT people against discrimination in housing and employment.

In a major step backward, the Mormon Church has also decided that anyone an ignore those laws by citing religious liberty.

That’s the gist of the big announcement to come out of the Church of the Latter Day Saints on Tuesday. The Mormon leadership considered the news to be earth-shattering enough to interrupt church television and radio broadcasts with live coverage of the rare press conference announcing the purported breakthrough.

After years of opposition to anything remotely pro-gay, Church leaders are now supporting “reasonable safeguards,” as long as those safeguards include provisions that are “ensuring that religious freedom is not compromised.”

The church insists that “this appeal for a balanced approach between religious and gay rights does not represent a change or shift in doctrine for the Church.” In fact, at the press conference Sister  Neill Marriott of the church’s Young Women general presidency made a point of stressing that the church “believes that sexual relations other than between a man and a woman who are married are contrary to the laws of God.”

Indeed, in its statement, the Church specifically positioned LGBT people and religious people as equal victims and the Mormon Church as trying to Rise Above It All. “[The decision] does represent a desire to bring people together, to encourage mutually respectful dialogue in what has become a highly polarized national debate,” the church proclaimed.

There have been signs for a while that the Mormons were backing away from their stenuous opposition to gay rights. Unlike their advocacy for California’s Proposition 8 in 2008, the church has been largely silent about the current marriage equality debate. Then there was that computer glitch last month that signaled a change of policy was in the works.

In retrospect, perhaps the biggest tip-off came in 2013, when five of the seven Mormons in the Senate voted in favor of ENDA. That’s not a move they would have undertaken without some clearance from the church.

Of course, what kind of protections are they if they don’t protect you against people who want to discriminate against you? All anyone has to do is cite Sister Marriott’s statement at the press conference and you’re out of work or an apartment. Try to imagine another legal protection that offered that kind of loophole. You can’t.

This isn’t to question the sincerity of church leaders, who genuinely believe that they have arrived at a Solomonic decision. And perhaps the decision will start to shift attitudes among the rank-and-file, which is a good thing. But civil rights aren’t subject to compromise. Either you’re all in or you’re not. And right now, the Mormon Church still is not.



No Cake for You! Fundamentalist Cake Nazis on the Loose

No Cake for You! Fundamentalist Cake Nazis on the Loose
Ben Carson is not a household name. He’s popular in far Right circles and unlikely to break out of them. He is also rather hateful and made one of the more absurd comments in the new “Cake Wars,” which are meant to show how fundamentalists are victimized.

Carson said: “What I have a problem with is when people try to force people to act against their beliefs because they say ‘they’re discriminating against me.’ So they can go right down the street and buy a cake, but no, let’s bring a suit against this person because I want them to make my cake even though they don’t believe in it. Which is really not all that smart because they might put poison in that cake.”

Apparently, he finds fundamentalist bakers poisoning people to be funny. Of course, if someone else were to suggest this it would be further proof of how fundamentalists are victimized.

Having grown up among these people, having attended their schools and bible college, I am familiar with their psychology. They need to be victims. One reason they act so offensively with so many people is to solicit rejection thus proving Biblical prophecy that they are being persecuted “for His sake.” Hardly the case, but it’s the best they’ve got, so they run with it.

The “Cake Wars” started because a few fundamentalist bakers refused to sell cakes to gay customers. Then, if charged with violating anti-discrimination laws, they weep, wail and flail about in the media limelight, basking in their persecution–it may be a long way from true martyrdom but they take what they can get.

Of course, they want anti-discrimination to be a one-way street–a special privilege reserved for Christians, but denied to everyone else. In their view, anti-discrimination laws ought to exist, provided Christians are exempt from having to obey them, even while regularly claiming the protection of those same laws. In reality it is illegal to discriminate against a Christian in all 50 states. Yet it is legal to refuse service to gay people in most states.

Anti-gay groups behind these Cake Wars know the law; some of them are even lawyers. What they also know is that the public, especially their donors, aren’t clued up on the facts.

Christian bakers have refused to sell cakes to gay couples because they are gay. But, the one case of a Christian baker and a bigoted fundamentalist Christian was NOT over his religion, but over his demanded the baker include a hate message on the cake.

In this case the baker was willing to sell to sell a cake and supply the customer with what he needed to write his own message. He insisted, however, that she be forced to write the hate message herself.

In other words, this wasn’t about whether he would be sold cake, but about asserting the right to force another person to engage in speech she opposed. He wanted to compel someone to express views against their own will.

In the Colorado case a Christian baker discriminated against gay clients, the message on the cake was not the issue, the customers were. That Christian wanted to refuse service to customers because they were gay. As is being done with the current case the fundamentalists confused the issues. The Colorado court explained:

“Respondents argue that if they are compelled to make a cake for a same-sex wedding, then a black baker could not refuse to make a cake bearing a white-supremacist message for a member of the Aryan Nation; and an Islamic baker could not refuse to make a cake denigrating the Koran for the Westboro Baptist Church.
However, neither of these fanciful hypothetical situations proves Respondents’ point. In both cases, it is the explicit, unmistakable, offensive message that the bakers are asked to put on the cake that gives rise to the bakers’ free speech right to refuse. That, however, is not the case here, where Respondents refused to bake any cake for Complainants regardless of what was written on it or what it looked like.”

Nowhere are these litigants attempting to actually remove anti-discrimination laws. They use these laws all the time. There are many times more anti-discrimination suits based on religion than on sexual orientation.

The fundamentalist believes he is entitled to rights, which must be denied to all others. He thinks he should be protected from discrimination, while being free to invoke his faith anytime he wishes to discriminate.

Fundamentalists are becoming quite explicit in this. With the help of third-rate Republican office holders they are proposing legislation that exempts Christians and the religious from such laws, but not others. If you are a secular bigot you must obey the law, but if you are a bigot for Jesus, you are.

Their accusation that others are seeking “special rights” fits what they seek for themselves perfectly.

I personally find anti-discrimination laws to be a dog’s breakfast. They are contradictory and confusing. I’m willing to grant anyone an exemption, with one proviso. If a business wishes to discriminate against specific groups it must state so openly and clearly in their advertising and on their entrance.

If they want to be bigots in the name of God, then go ahead, but don’t hide the hate under a bushel. Do it openly and proudly. This way, they won’t accidentally attract victims to be humiliated by the refusal of service.

My guess is that almost none of the haters would actually go this far. It would negatively impact sales. Most Americans don’t like that sort of bigotry and that’s why anti-discrimination laws tend to be so popular, in spite of their crazy quilt nature.

If a business wants to refuse service to gays and blacks, that should be advertised on the front door and in their advertisments. Of course, that tips their hand to the rest of the population many of whom would find it disgusting and take their business elsewhere.

Conservatives should be happy, after all, that is letting the free market decide whether bigoted businesses or non-bigoted businesses succeed.

But, don’t expect conservatives to leap on this proposal. The free market is nothing more than a slogan not something they actually support. Meanwhile, they try to carve out special privileges for religious people, denied to all other Americans, which proves their contempt for equality of rights before the law.

New Teaser For 'Wet Hot American Summer' Miniseries Released: VIDEO

New Teaser For 'Wet Hot American Summer' Miniseries Released: VIDEO


The good news is that Wet Hot American Summer will get an eight-episode prequel miniseries set to air on Netflix this summer. The even better news is that the streaming service has confirmed that the majority of the original cast will return for this iteration (that includes Christopher Meloni, David Hyde Pierce and Paul Rudd). Plot-wise, whereas the original film took place on the last day of camp, the prequel will take place on day one.

Two other returning cast members are none other than Bradley Cooper and Michael Ian Black, who you may recall have a very memorable scene in the film that involves nothing but a tool shed and two pairs of tube socks. Let’s hope these two get a lot more play in the new series.

Watch the new teaser and also revisit Black and Cooper’s must-see scene, AFTER THE JUMP

Steve Pep


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