New England Patriots’ Rob Gronkowski Reads Erotic Fan Fiction About Himself

New England Patriots’ Rob Gronkowski Reads Erotic Fan Fiction About Himself

Screen Shot 2015-01-28 at 9.52.52 AMNew England Patriots’ tight end Rob Gronkowski is the stuff that dreams are made of. Mostly wet dreams.

But he’s also proven himself to be a damn good sport by agreeing to read aloud from a piece of erotic fan fiction titled A Gronking To Remember by Lacey Noonan at the recent Super Bowl Media Day in Arizona.

Here’s a clip of the poetic reading, in which Rob recites with poise: “In front of the entire country, Gronk’s spike impacts right between my buttcheeks.”

Gronkowski, for the record, has also said he’d be cool with a gay teammate. Asked about it, he replied:

“If that’s how they are, that’s how they are. I mean, we’re teammates so, as long as he’s being a good teammate and being respectful and everything, that’s cool.”

The book is described on Amazon as a “super-sexy, sex-filled story of wanton lust with a super-sexy, sex-filled happy ending.” Guess that doesn’t leave much to the imagination. Even at $2.50, we’re thinking it’s priced a bit high.

Gronkowski, on the other hand, does leave a few things to the imagination.

Case in point:






h/t NewNowNext

Dan Tracer

Lindsey Graham Grills AG Nominee Loretta Lynch About Gay Marriage and Polygamy: VIDEO

Lindsey Graham Grills AG Nominee Loretta Lynch About Gay Marriage and Polygamy: VIDEO


Hearings are underway in the Senate Judiciary Committee for U.S. Attorney General Nominee Loretta Lynch, whom Obama nominated as a replacement for departing Attorney General Eric Holder.

This morning Lynch was confronted by a question from Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), who demanded to have her thoughts on the legal difference between gay marriage and polygamy, Mediaite reports.

Asked Graham:

“Same-sex marriage. This may go to the Supreme Court very soon. If the Supreme Court rules that same-sex marriage bans are unconstitutional, it violates the constitution for a state to try to limit marriage between a man and a woman, that’s clearly the law of the land unless there’s a constitutional amendment to change it.

What legal rationale will be in play that would prohibit polygamy? What’s the legal difference between a ban on same-sex marriage being unconstitutional but a ban on polygamy being constitutional? Could you try to articulate how one could be banned under the constitution and the other not?”

Replied Lynch:

“Well, senator, I have not been involved in the argument or analysis of the cases that have gone before the Supreme Court. So…and I’m not comfortable undertaking legal analysis without having had the ability to undertake a review of the relevant facts and the precedent there. So I certainly would not be able to provide you with that analysis at this point in time, but I look forward to continuing the discussions with you.”


Andy Towle

O-Kern-Homa, Where the Hate Comes Sweepin' Down the Plain

O-Kern-Homa, Where the Hate Comes Sweepin' Down the Plain
Oklahoma State Representative Sally Kern (R) has introduced a bill to officially change the name of the state from Oklahoma to Okernhoma. Kern stated, “By putting my name in the state’s name, the people in our great state will be reminded that my opinions are more important than any one person’s individual rights.” Kern’s latest bill joins three bills that she filed earlier: (1) a bill allowing businesses to refuse service to gay people, (2) a bill promoting gay conversion therapy, and (3) a bill penalizing anyone who issues a marriage license to a same-sex couple. Kern is considering introducing another bill which will allow any citizen to slap the face of a gay person without provocation.

In Okernhoma, gay people will not be able to eat or sleep. Her HB 1597 specifies that “no business entity shall be required to provide any services, accommodations, advantages, facilities, goods or privileges related to any lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender person, group or association.” In adherence to this proposed bill, heterosexual Okernhomians will not allow gay people to buy groceries, rent apartments or (gasp!) go to the gym. It is assumed that once these preventative measures are put in place, gay people will be forced onto the streets where they will roam in packs, much like the zombies on The Walking Dead. Once banded together, homeless and hungry, gay people will be much easier to identify and discriminate against.

Okernhoma will hire specially trained agents to do the difficult work of rounding up the Walking Gays. Once the gays are locked up, conversion therapy will be forced on them to make them heterosexual. Kern has stated that homosexuality is “more dangerous” than terrorism and that it will “tear down the moral fiber of this nation.” Her proposed HB 1598 allows Okernhomians to “control or end any unwanted sexual attraction” through conversion therapy. It is assumed, of course, that homosexuality is unwanted. The agents doing this highly sensitive work shall be known as the Controlling Okernhoma Police Squad, or C.O.P.S.

If any two gays manage to fall in love anyway and then attempt to ruin Western civilization by requesting a marriage license, Kern’s HB 1599 ensures that a clerk issuing that license will lose his or her salary and benefits. A marriage license issued to a same-sex couple will automatically burst into flames once it is handed over. The couple, hands scorched and raw from handling the fiery license, will be denied any medical attention from area hospitals. They will not be allowed into drugstores for First Aid supplies either and will be forced back onto the streets. The C.O.P.S. can then round them up one more time and try conversion all over again.

“Sally Kern is my hero,” says devout Okernhomian, Mallory Fobic. “She is ensuring that our state stands firmly in the 19th century and I, for one, am all for it! Discriminatin’ against specific human beings is my God-given right! I am a waitress and my God forbids me from servin’ lunch to fags. Sally Kern understands the destruction these gays are causin’. I hope she will propose that slappin’ bill soon because Jesus wants me to slap gays in the face to knock some sense into ’em. What Would Jesus Do? He’d vote for Sally Kern’s bills, that’s what! And he’d slap a homo silly, I tell ya.”

Kern’s bills have received enthusiastic support throughout the state. However, state Rep. Todd Russ (R) believes that Kern’s name-changing bill does not go far enough. “Okernhoma is a fine name, surely,” he said, “but … Okernhetera would be much more effective in promoting our value system. We don’t want no homo in our state name.”

Kern believes passing these bills is important for the future of Okernhoma. “I don’t want any kids in my state turning on the radio and accidentally hearing some sad song sung by John Elton or Sam Smith. And God forbid that they might get a glimpse of that Ellen Degenerate Show! Enough is enough!” After a moment, Kern asked that the phrase “Enough is enough” be stricken from the interview because it too closely echoed the song “Enough Is Enough” sung by Barbra Streisand and Donna Summer, two gay icons. “Oh good grief,” sighed Kern, “I can’t take it anymore.”

If none of these bills pass, Kern is considering proposing a Constitutional Amendment to kill all gay people and get rid of the problem once and for all.

Sam Smith Isn’t Fat And Here’s The Shirtless Pic To Prove It

Sam Smith Isn’t Fat And Here’s The Shirtless Pic To Prove It

Sam_Smith_ShirtlessWhen Howard Stern called Sam Smith “fat,” ugly” and “effeminate,” the British crooner took personal offense, and rightfully so.

He initially took to Twitter and wrote, “Can’t believe what I’ve just read.” That was followed by a second tweet that simply read: “Ignore.”

This prompted none other than Bonnie Hunt (remember her?) to voice her support of the 22-year-old R&B/pop singer:

“Sam, you never let all the amazing reviews go to your head, Pls never let negative remarks go to your heart. You are loved,” Hunt tweeted.

Now, the six-time Grammy-nominee is setting the record straight… with a semi-shirtless picture of himself posted to his Instagram account. The selfie proves Smith isn’t fat. (Not that there’s anything wrong with having an inch to pinch! Besides, science says guys with bellies make better lovers.) It also proves that he’s hairy. And we kinda like it.

Seriously, who knew Sam Smith was an otter? He normally looks so clean cut.

In 2014, Smith’s album In The Lonely Hour topped the list of bestselling artist albums and has since been nominated for six Grammys.

Stern has since responded to the controversy by saying, “I feel bad because the guy thinks I don’t like him. I love him,” and adding that he had Tom Petty’s Sam Smith‘s song on his playlist.

Related stories:

Howard Stern Loves Sam Smith Because He’s Chubby And Gay

Sam Smith Forced To List Tom Petty As “Stay With Me” Co-Writer, Dish Out Royalty Checks

Sam Smith Doesn’t Need Grindr When He Has Music Video Extras Hanging Around

Graham Gremore

Anti-LGBT Groups Vow To 'Fight To The Legal Death' As Trial Begins Over Houston Equal Rights Ordinance: VIDEO

Anti-LGBT Groups Vow To 'Fight To The Legal Death' As Trial Begins Over Houston Equal Rights Ordinance: VIDEO


Allegations of fraud and forgery took center stage as a trial over Houston’s Equal Rights Ordinance began this week, according to a report from The Houston Chronicle.

After the council approved the ordinance in May, anti-LGBT groups said they turned in more than 30,000 signatures on a petition to repeal it. However, city officials rejected the petition, saying it had only 16,500 valid signatures, fewer than the 17,269 needed to force the City Council to repeal the ordinance or place it on the ballot.

That prompted a lawsuit from opponents of the ordinance, led by former Republican Party Chair Jared Woodfill and Texas Pastor Council Executive Director Dave Welch (above). In court documents, the city has accused the anti-LGBT groups of fraud, forgery and other dishonest tactics in gathering signatures. From the Chronicle

TaylorAttorneys for the city of Houston signaled in court Tuesday they intend to prove rampant fraud in a petition drive led by opponents of the equal rights ordinance who hope to force a repeal referendum. …

In his opening argument in court Tuesday, Alex Kaplan, an attorney for the city, said the petition is “full of problems.” …

Andy Taylor (right), attorney for the plaintiffs, said any claims of fraud were untrue and the city’s argument is “laughable.” He said “well-intentioned voters from time to time didn’t follow all the rules” but there was no fraud. 

“They’re talking about ticky tacky deficiencies like we’re missing a comma or our signatures are hard to read,” Taylor said. “Give me a break. Did our forefathers die in battle so that commas could prevent their children from voting.” 

Taylor told My Fox Houston that his clients will “fight to the legal death” to repeal the ordinance. And while the trial is focused on technical issues as opposed to the merits of the ordinance, Taylor’s legal representation appears severely tainted by his bigotry. From My Fox Houston: 

“Why in the world would we create a law that confers special rights on men who just want to pretend they are women so they can go into female restrooms in Houston and take advantage of young girls?” asks Taylor. …

Taylor claims this case is going to trial not because of an invalid petition but because Mayor Parker doesn’t want the issue on the ballot.

“She just told her lawyers kill this thing. Smother this thing in the crib because she doesn’t want voters to have a chance to pass on the lunacy of this bathroom ordinance. Well her day off reckoning is about to come,” Taylor says. “We are very confident the jury, after it hears all the evidence, is going to say one thing, mayor you got it wrong. Let the people vote.”

The city’s lead attorney, Geoffrey Harrison, told that the people have already voted:

“The people elected Mayor Annise Parker and elected the members of City Council who voted for this ordinance.”

The trial could last two months as jurors go over more than 5,000 pages of signatures to determine how many are valid. 

Watch reports from My Fox Houston and, AFTER THE JUMP … 

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