Vine Fame and Preferred Pronouns

Vine Fame and Preferred Pronouns

“What are your preferred pronouns?”

Spoiler alert: I don’t have a preference.

There is a generation gap on Vine. The majority of my followers are teens, and the one thing that brightens my day more than anything is the way they think about gender; they ask me, over and over again “what are your preferred pronouns?” They truly want me to be self-empowered, to tell them who I am.

For many reasons, adults tend to see my beard, and label me ‘man,’ or perhaps, ‘man-who-likes-to-dress-up-as-woman.’ It’s a fair designation, and I don’t really mind it (it’s hard to offend me). As long as it isn’t derogatory, I feel people should be free to call me whatever makes them comfortable. I end up telling the kids on Vine I have no preference for pronouns, because that answer proves a larger point: I don’t want anyone to feel bad for using the “wrong” pronoun. Personally, I find calling myself and thinking of myself as man a bit stodgy and old-fashioned. (There is a vogue now for using ‘they’ to replace ‘he’ and ‘she’, and that’s an excellent step toward the truth of the spectrum of human expression.) I’m glad to feel like I’m living outside of man and woman.

There is an excellent payoff to living as an outsider: you get a different perspective on how the inside works. You get to see that you can be anything. Everyone can be anything. My Vine follower’s “what’s your gender?”/”it’s whatever I say it is” mentality is new to me and amazing and freeing and exciting.

People ask me why I make videos. With all the hate and name-calling on Vine (or any internet platform), why bother?

#1: I love changing lives. I love helping outsider kids in every corner of this country and world feel less alone.

But, also #2: “Less alone” is a two way street. I connect through Vine. I learn from them.

Most of us who are over 20 grew up with strict rules, with ideas about the “right” way to be a man or woman. Kids don’t see it this way! At least not the kids I talk to… and that is truly amazing.

Filipino Court Rejects U.S. Marine's Appeal of Murder Charge in Death of Transwoman

Filipino Court Rejects U.S. Marine's Appeal of Murder Charge in Death of Transwoman


A Filipino Department of Justice panel has rejected Marina Pfc. Joseph Scott Pemberton’s appeal in his case for the alleged murder of Jennifer Laude, a trans Filipino sex worker. Laude’s body was found last October not long after Pemberton was spotted leaving her hotel room.

PembertonIn their appeal Pemberton’s attorneys argued that there was no way to way to directly connect Pemberton to Laude’s murder given the presented evidence.

“If direct evidence is insisted upon under all circumstances, the guilt of vicious felons who committed heinous crimes in secret or in secluded places will be hard, if not impossible, to prove,” the panel of attorneys said after rejecting Pemberton’s claim.

The panel further explained that a clear timeline has been established that placed Pemberton and a number of fellow marines at a bar with Laude. According to testimony given to the panel by another Marine late that night after leaving Laude’s hotel room Pemberton confessed that he thought he “killed a he/she.”

Pemberton can ask the Justice Department to reconsider its decision. 

Charles Pulliam-Moore

Displaying Three Decades Of LGBTQ Art Censored By Museums

Displaying Three Decades Of LGBTQ Art Censored By Museums
In Irreverent: A Celebration of Censorship, opening next month at the Leslie Lohman Museum of Gay and Lesbian Art in New York, all of the art has previously been censored from major museums. The 17 artists represent the “controversial” perception of LGBTQ work over three decades, from Robert Mapplethorpe’s photographs in the 1980s to the expulsion of David Wonjarowicz’s “A Fire in My Belly” from the National Portrait Gallery in 2010.

Male Kegel Exercises May Prevent You From Squirting Too Soon

Male Kegel Exercises May Prevent You From Squirting Too Soon

male-enhancement-solutionsMore and more men are ditching their cock rings and penis pumps and instead doing kegel exercises to help improve their stamina in the sack. At least according to a woman named “Marni,” a professional “dating coach” for Ejaculation Advisor.

In a YouTube video called Kegel Exercises For Men — How To Last Longer in Bed, Marni explains that kegel exercises can be done “everywhere and at every moment of your life” to help prevent premature ejaculation.

“[Kegel exercises] control your [pubococcygeus muscles] so you can control ejaculation and prolong ejaculation,” Marni says. “It also helps you so you don’t pee in your pants.” (In case that’s a problem for you.)

According to Medical Dailypubococcygeus muscles help to hold your pelvic organs in place and assist in bladder control and sexual function. As a person ages, those muscles can weaken, which can result in unwanted sexual side effects, like squirting before you want to.

So how do you do a kegel exercise anyway? It’s easy! Basically you just clench what Marni calls your “pee muscle.” Start by doing 10 t0 20 reps per day and gradually work your way up to 50. Clench for 3-5 seconds and then release. As your muscles begin to strengthen, increase the time from 3-5 seconds to 5-7 seconds.

And where can you do kegel exercises? Lots of places, says Marni. “Driving you your car. Sitting in your office. Sitting at the doctor’s. Wherever you want to do them, you can do them!”

Ready. Set. Go.

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Graham Gremore

A Fascinating (and Chaotic) Look At a World Without Humans – VIDEO

A Fascinating (and Chaotic) Look At a World Without Humans – VIDEO


What would happen to our planet if we all suddenly disappeared? Turns out…pretty much chaos – with billions of livestock on the loose, cats and dogs roaming wild, boulevards turning into rivers, subways flooding, entire cities wiped out by fire, and much more. 

ASAPScience has full, fascinating answer, AFTER THE JUMP


Kyler Geoffroy


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