This Fake Super Bowl Ad Quickly Evolves Into A Locker Room Fantasy

This Fake Super Bowl Ad Quickly Evolves Into A Locker Room Fantasy

shocking gay kiss superbowl commercialWith the Super Bowl right around the corner, Amurrka once again becomes an Onion article about itself by celebrating, of all things, television advertisements. Because Super Bowl ads, right?!

Well one group has banked on the fact that people will click on something titled “Shocking Super Bowl Commercial 2015″ by creating this very odd, fake commercial for a product called “Queer Beer.”

But the joke’s on them — we watched it because it ends with a bunch of hot guys making out in a locker room, not because it has the words Super Bowl in the heading. Oh. Maybe that’s even worse?

Either way, here it is, complete with bizarre post-video thank yous. And hi Davey Wavey:

h/t The Backlot

Dan Tracer

Scruff Posts Huge Gay Ad On Billboard Outside University Of Phoenix Stadium Ahead of Super Bowl Sunday

Scruff Posts Huge Gay Ad On Billboard Outside University Of Phoenix Stadium Ahead of Super Bowl Sunday


It looks like Scruff is appealing toward its “masc4masc” demographic as the dating/hookup app bought a billboard outside of University of Phoenix Stadium ahead of the Super Bowl and posted a 48-foot ad featuring two guys in a locker room sizing each other up with the slogan “Play On Our Team,” reports Refinery29. A press release from Scruff explains why they bought the Super Bowl themed ad.

Said Scruff:

“At a time when professional NFL players like Michael Sam and Kwame Harris bravely come out to the world and some coaches admit to not wanting gay players on their teams, [Scruff]… is sending a message to the NFL — by putting up a Phoenix billboard advertisement that’s certain to start a conversation about perception and acceptance among both gay and straight sports fans.”

Scruff’s bold move to challenge the NFL on its homophobia may elicit homophobic criticism and condemnation from sports fans and players alike, that is if the scores of straight men pouring into the stadium on Sunday can even figure out what Scruff even is. 

Anthony Costello

Gays Should Be the Least of Oklahoma's Concerns

Gays Should Be the Least of Oklahoma's Concerns
As I’m sure many of you’ve heard, many politicians have been continuously trying to smear their diluted opinions as law across the country, despite LGBTQ efforts in recent months. While the opinions I have of my own Oklahoma state representatives are less than fruitful, one apple seemed to fall a little harder and further from the tree. Rep. Sally Kern(R) proposed three bills promoting ideas of conversion therapy, denying same-sex marriage, and anti-gay rhetoric. Kern also attracted national media attention in 2008 after saying that homosexuals were a bigger threat to the country than terrorism. While all of this is terrible, I wanted to point out a few things that Oklahoma’s lawmakers seem to be overlooking.

First of all, we could start with education. While 11 percent of Oklahomans ages 25 and over have stepped foot on a college campus, a staggering 26 percent of them do not even have a complete high school education. According to EPI, Oklahoma sleeps near the bottom of the school totem, ranking at number 36. Isn’t that some cray? Hold on, it gets better guys.

If you think our school system is questionable as a student, try being a teacher. With nearly the lowest pay wages in the United States, Oklahoma has been failing to recruit, hire, and properly pay their teaching staffs. While the state is clearly struggling to clean up the education system, should it really be that concerned with the gays?

I felt it poignant to note that while religious freedom has every right to be exercised, at what cost must we exercise it? A particular piece of introduced legislation caught my eye, HB125, a bill introduced by Kern. If passed, it would restrict the salary of any clerk or judge who allowed a gay marriage. This ruling would also make it difficult for straight couples to wed, as it would take away the right for all marriages to be officiated by the county clerk. So in other words, she is literally willing to strip the rights of hardworking citizens in order to uphold her own religiously fueled agenda.

There are clearly a lot of issues with the state of Oklahoma, but ultimately it is my hope that lawmakers will one day prioritize their civilities. However, I walk away knowing one thing. The gay community has weathered history for thousands of years, and has existed before religions were created. As a gay, mixed, trans girl, I came out of the womb societally damned,according to most of my friends and family, yet I exist; I thrive. Lawmakers, you can continue with your petty jabs at my LGBTQ brothers and sisters, but know this: We don’t need your validation to exist, we’ve been breaking your laws to exist for years, and all of your effort is a waste of time. I don’t mean to sound insincere, but as ’90s band Smash Mouth famously said, “Get your game on,” because that’s exactly what the gay community of Oklahoma is gearing up to do.

Oklahomans for Equality is already bulking up to combine efforts this week, as Equality Center director Toby Jenkins has already been making noise in the press. OKEQ also announced a town meeting to decide an appropriate response from the local gay community.

Every Gay Person Will Soon Become A Cannibal Rummaging Through Hospitals For Human Waste, Pastor Claims

Every Gay Person Will Soon Become A Cannibal Rummaging Through Hospitals For Human Waste, Pastor Claims

zombie-eating-brainsOh, brother. Here we go again.

Pastor James David Manning announced plans this week to march against “sodomite cannibals” in Manhattan (a.k.a. “Sodomite City”) because — wait for it — the gays are planning to turn into “flesh-sucking” homo-zombies and chew off the faces of innocent women and children and eat their poop by 2016!

“God Almighty has given me the revelation that soon, after the court announces that they are to be protected by the Constitution to be sodomites, they’re gonna also start cannibalism,” the concerned pastor said in a recent propaganda video. “Every sodomite, every lesbo, every homo, every fag, every transvestite, every LBGT person — by the year 2016 — will have participated in some sort of cannibalism!”

Why will this happen? you ask.

Because gay people are possessed by demons, of course.

Manning breaks it down for us, saying: “They are demon-possessed! And they will do it with a smile on their faces! In fact, they will be scourging through and rummaging through the hospital waste looking for human waste. A number of people are going to go missing and only their bones will show up!”

Watch the crazed rant below. Or don’t.

h/t: Joe. My. God.

Related stories:

Pastor Claims Gay People Are Possessed By “Fart Demons” That Can Drive Pigs To Suicide

Pastor James David Manning Claims “Obama Has Released The Homo Demons On The Black Man!”

Why Are Exorcisms So Ineffective In Ridding Us of Our Homosexual Demons?

Graham Gremore


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