Sam Smith On Being an 'Old Soul' Lover and Why He's Attracted to 'Dangerous' Guys

Sam Smith On Being an 'Old Soul' Lover and Why He's Attracted to 'Dangerous' Guys

In an interview for the February issue of GQ, 22-year-old crooner Sam Smith dished on everything from his music idols to the kinds of guys he goes for to why he still thinks dating apps like Grindr and Tinder are “killing romance.”

Said Smith:

Smith1I feel so much more comfortable wanting what I’m never going to get. Like recently, I met two guys. One of them on paper is perfect and ticks all the boxes. The other is dangerous and—well, he ticks boxes actually, too…I’ve chosen him. I want that excitement. I want something that’s unobtainable. I made a statement recently about how Grindr and Tinder and those dating apps are just killing romance. People are losing the ability to just walk up to people in a bar and say hello. Sex is on tap, isn’t it, with apps like that? It may work for some people, but I miss the mystery. I find it much more sexy when someone’s fully dressed in a suit and you’ve got to work to undress them. Do you know what I mean? Instead of them just immediately being naked for you. I sound like a complete old soul right now, but I am. I just feel like people need role models, you know, that are dressed.

Depending on when Smith was interviewed, the “dangerous” guy mentioned might be Jonathan Zeizel, Smith’s former boyfriend. Smith announced at a concert late last month that the two had recently called it quits. 

In the interview, Smith also shot down the notion that his debut album In the Lonely Hour was “for gay people” –

…I am not Sam Smith, the gay singer. I am Sam Smith, the singer who happens to be gay. I preach all the time about being myself and being comfortable with myself, but if I’m honest, I struggle every day. I’m still figuring out who I am. I don’t want to pretend I’ve got everything sorted out in my mind, because I really don’t.

Check out the full interview here

[h/t just jared]

Kyler Geoffroy

Dear Mary Cheney: Here Are Reasons Why Drag Is Socially Acceptable and Blackface Is Not

Dear Mary Cheney: Here Are Reasons Why Drag Is Socially Acceptable and Blackface Is Not
Mary Cheney wrote this on Facebook last week: “Why is it socially acceptable – as a form of entertainment – for men to put on dresses, make up and high heels and act out every offensive stereotype of women (bitchy, catty, dumb, slutty, etc.) – but it is not socially acceptable – as a form of entertainment – for a white person to put on blackface and act out offensive stereotypes of African Americans? Shouldn’t both be OK or neither?” She is curious to see if anyone has an answer.

I will answer you, Ms. Cheney. Here are my credentials: I am a college theater professor with an interest in drag. Last semester, I taught a course titled “From Shakespeare to RuPaul: The History of Drag Performance.” My students and I studied the long and varied history of the art form and explored such issues as gender variance, gender construction, cultural norms and artistic expression. We spent time questioning whether drag is akin to blackface.

I am also a drag queen. My husband is a drag queen. Our best friends are drag queens. At our wedding, our bridal party was comprised of drag queens.

So …

From my perspective, here are reasons why drag is socially acceptable when blackface is not:

Drag is a celebration. Drag is an attitude. Today’s drag queen is often a gay man who has embraced that part of himself that, as a child, was considered shameful and undeserving. Rather than allowing himself to be bullied, he has revealed that hidden aspect of himself, dressed her up, made her fabulous and invincible. He has found strength in her and wears her like a shield. Drag is some of the best parts of who he is, magnified and impervious.

A blackface performer is dressing up the ugliest parts of himself: the racist, belittling, superior parts of himself. This ugliness is worn on his face for the amusement of others like him.

Men dressing in female garb have been integral to the performing arts for thousands of years in a myriad of cultures. Medea was originally played by a man in ancient Greece. All of Shakespeare’s greatest female protagonists — Juliet, Lady Macbeth, Rosalind, Beatrice and so on — all were created by male actors. The Japanese Onnagata is a beautiful idealization of womanhood. The Tan (or Dan) actors of the Beijing Opera, such as the great Mei Lan-fang, are skilled, graceful performers unlike any other. The English Panto Dame has entertained families at Christmastime since her introduction in the 19th century.

In contrast, blackface performers were popular for a relatively short time (perhaps a hundred years) in American minstrel shows. The overt racism of the entertainment became increasingly problematic as America grew.

The contemporary drag queen is a lip-sync artist. When she moves her lips to Gloria Gaynor’s I Will Survive, that drag queen is one with her pop diva for that moment in time. She relates to, and celebrates, the emotions of “I grew strong, I learned how to get along.” Ms. Gaynor’s struggles and triumphs are the queen’s struggles and triumphs. The drag queen learns from the diva, respects her, idolizes her, honors her, relates to her, canonizes her, wants to be her — all at once.

A blackface performer had no respect for the people he was caricaturing. In our nation’s history, most blackface performers were white males who reduced African-Americans to clowns and simpletons. He sang songs with titles like “All Coons Look Alike To Me” and “Who’s Dat Nigga Dar a Peepin.” Jim Crow, a character created by Thomas D. Rice, was an amalgam of racial stereotypes in the pre-Civil War era. Rice did not idolize the black man he personified; he ridiculed and mocked him, made him an object of laughter, provoked jeers and derision.

Today’s drag queen is at home in a gay bar, a pride parade or an AIDS charity event. Her audience is comprised of individuals who want to rejoice in difference, to celebrate a shared triumph over prejudice and misunderstanding, to find strength in community.

Minstrel show audiences reinforced their perceived superiority over others. If they were celebrating anything, it was their white privilege.

Drag queens do not hate women. Drag queens view women as sisters and friends, as inspiration.

A blackface entertainer promoted hatred toward an entire class of people.

A drag queen today is a symbol of empowerment. Drag queens were in the vanguard of the Stonewall riots, directly responsible for leading the gay community into the battle for equal rights. Mary Cheney should be thankful to those Stonewall queens who started us down the path to her same-sex marriage. RuPaul’s mantra — “If you don’t love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?” — is a political statement of tenacity and personal identity. Mary Cheney should shout out an “Amen” to people like RuPaul who have helped lift up a generation of LGBTQ individuals.

Characterizing drag queens as “bitchy, catty, dumb, slutty” is reductive and insulting. The female persona created by a drag queen is robust, powerful, enduring. She has moxie, smarts, humor and beauty.

Minstrelsy was comprised of black personae that were dim-witted buffoons.

Mary Cheney: You are assigned a 500 to 750 word essay explaining your motives for equating members of the LGBT community with hateful and degrading minstrelsy. If you wish, you have the option of including an apology within your essay.

Class dismissed.

The author and spouse

Andy Towle

Huckabee: Gay People 'Can Be My Friends'

Huckabee: Gay People 'Can Be My Friends'
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) said on Sunday that even though he opposes gay marriage for religious reasons, he has plenty of gay friends — just like he has friends who drink, curse and enjoy ballet.

“People can be my friends who have lifestyles that are not necessary my lifestyle,” Huckabee said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “I don’t drink alcohol, but gosh, a lot of my friends, maybe most of them do. I don’t use profanity, but believe me, I’ve got a lot of friends who do. Some people really like classical music and ballet, opera — it’s not my cup of tea.”

Huckabee, a potential 2016 presidential candidate, reiterated Sunday that he would like to run for the Republican nomination, joking that his ideal scenario would be for all other GOP candidates to drop out of the primary and let him win. He said his opposition to gay marriage is no more conservative than President Barack Obama’s was when he won his first presidential term.

“Obama had the same position I had when he spoke about it in 2008, and for the same reason,” Huckabee said. “He said it was because he was a Christian and because God is in the mix.”

Obama’s views on the subject have since evolved, and he said in 2012 that he supports same-sex marriage.

Republicans, particularly younger ones, have also been warming to the idea of gay marriage. But Huckabee said his views won’t change “unless I get a new version of the Scriptures.”

“This is not just a political issue, it’s a biblical issue,” he said. “It’s like asking somebody who’s Jewish to start serving bacon-wrapped shrimp in their deli.”

Fire Completely Destroys Lincoln, Nebraska's Largest Gay Nightclub: VIDEO

Fire Completely Destroys Lincoln, Nebraska's Largest Gay Nightclub: VIDEO


Lincoln, Nebraska’s largest gay nightclub Karma has been destroyed after a large fire erupted inside the building Saturday night. 

The Lincoln Journal Star reports:

The fire started at the club at 226 S. Ninth St. around 7:15 p.m. Saturday.

Club occupants were being evacuated from the building by 7:30 p.m., when flames were seen coming from the building.

Around 8:15 p.m., firefighters began to take defensive positions around the perimeter of the club and at 8:25 they began to form a collapse zone around the structure.

Within minutes, the roof collapsed and heavy smoke came pouring out.

10/11 News adds:

Karma1Lincoln Fire Battalion Chief Leo Benes said the business is at a total loss. Fire crews were on the scene throughout the night to control any hot spots that might appear.

Benes said fire investigators will come Sunday morning. Benes also mentioned that crews have not battled a fire this large in quite some time. 

Performers and patrons reportedly gathered across the street as the fire blazed Saturday night, with many hugging and wiping away tears. 

No word yet on how the fire began and no injuries have been reported.

Watch a news report on the story, AFTER THE JUMP

[h/t Aksarbent]

Kyler Geoffroy


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