These Valentine's Day Quotes Prove Your Bae Doesn't Have To Be A Person

These Valentine's Day Quotes Prove Your Bae Doesn't Have To Be A Person
February is rough — between the bitter cold and Valentine’s Day, it seems like the the universe has deemed this month an epic fail for anyone without a boyfriend or girlfriend. But just because you’re single doesn’t mean you don’t have a bae in your life. And those baes deserve some love and attention too.

We rounded up some romantic quotes to be sure your non-human significant others feel the love on Feb. 14.

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Matt Baume Explains to Mary Cheney How Drag is Different from Blackface: VIDEO

Matt Baume Explains to Mary Cheney How Drag is Different from Blackface: VIDEO


Last week Mary Cheney asked the world why blackface is bad but drag isn’t, in a post on her Facebook page:

“Why is it socially acceptable — as a form of entertainment — for men to put on dresses, make up and high heels and act out every offensive stereotype of women (bitchy, catty, dumb, slutty, etc.) — but it is not socially acceptable — as a form of entertainment — for a white person to put on blackface and act out offensive stereotypes of African Americans?”

We posted RuPaul’s response on Saturday.

Matt Baume, who usually reports on same-sex marriage news around the country, also works with drag queens and is frustrated by the amount of people who do not know how to answer her question.

Find out what he has to say, AFTER THE JUMP

Baume hopes that the next time we discuss Mary Cheney we talk about how she supports the Keystone Pipeline, donated money to Republican candidates who oppose marriage equality, and supported Sam Brownback, who wanted to keep a law in which police officers could arrest you for being gay.

“If [Mary Cheney] really understands drag that deeply, maybe she should spend a little less time with Sam Brownback, and a little more time with other gay people.”

Andy Towle

Gay Marriage News Watch: AL, OK, PR, NE, KS, LA, NOM – VIDEO

Gay Marriage News Watch: AL, OK, PR, NE, KS, LA, NOM – VIDEO


AFER’s Matt Baume reports on the approaching end to the stay on Alabama’s gay marriage ruling, Roy Moore and Mike Huckabee claiming states don’t have to follow federal orders, Alabama state Rep. Patricia Todd’s threat to “out” anti-gay Republicans, Oklahoma state Rep. Sally Kern’s horrific anti-gay bills, the National Organization for Marriage saying they’ll ask 2016 candidates to sign an anti-gay pledge, and more.



Kyler Geoffroy


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