George Takei Is Heading To Broadway

George Takei Is Heading To Broadway

2014 Sundance Film Festival - George Takei PortraitsIs there nothing George Takei can’t do? At 77-year-old, the badass actor/activist is making his Broadway debut this fall in Allegiance.

The musical is about Japanese-Americans living in United States internment camps during World War II and opens at the Shubert Theater in October. It had its premiere in 2012 at the Old Globe Theater in San Diego.

“I consider this my legacy project,” Takei told the New York Times. “This is the first time that this dark chapter of American history will be done on the Broadway stage.”

Takei, who spent about four years of his childhood living inside two different internment camps, is also helping fund the show, having put a substantial amount of his own money into the project.

He describes the show as “very, very personal” and a tribute to his parents, as well as the tens of thousands of Japanese-Americans ancestry locked away in internment camps between 1942 to 1946 under orders from President Roosevelt.

“The show’s backdrop is the imprisonment of innocent Americans simply because we looked like the people who bombed Pearl Harbor, but the story is universal–people falling in love, getting married, having a family,” Takei explains. “The musical will find an audience because whether you are white, black, Latino, young or old, people can identify with the idea of family and the stresses put on a family, which in this case were enormous.”

Looks like we’re gonna have to plan a theater trip to New York.

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Graham Gremore

Ricky Martin on Life as a Single Dad and on 'Inevitable' Nationwide Marriage Equality

Ricky Martin on Life as a Single Dad and on 'Inevitable' Nationwide Marriage Equality

Ricky martin

In an interview with Billboard, Ricky Martin dished on life as a single father, his upcoming Spanish-language album A Quien Quiera Escuchar (To Whomever Wants to Listen), and his thoughts on the spread of marriage equality across America. 

Said Martin of his twin 6-year-old boys Matteo and Valentino:

They’re stuck to me constantly. If I’m in L.A. and have to travel to Hong Kong for 24 hours, I’ll leave them with my mom. But fortunately, I have sons who are warriors and who were born on tour and don’t know anything else. They’re road babies. Some people say, “Ricky, your kids need stability,” and I say, “I’m their stability. They feel unstable if I’m not there.”

On marriage equality’s forward march:

It’s amazing, isn’t it? By June, the Supreme Court will say, “Let’s stop this nonsense and cover the entire country.” It’s inevitable — equality is inevitable.

Check out the full interview here. And be sure to check out Martin’s latest single “Disparo al Corazón” AFTER THE JUMP


Kyler Geoffroy

Big Dipper Drops 'DA MONEY' Video Off 'FREE MONEY' EP

Big Dipper Drops 'DA MONEY' Video Off 'FREE MONEY' EP
If you don’t know who Big Dipper is, you’ve been missing out.

The Chicago-born, Brooklyn-based queer rapper has a uniquely raw and unapologetic aesthetic that has earned him a substantial following over the years. Now, the body-positive musician is back with a new video for “DA MONEY,” the lead single off Dipper’s EP “FREE MONEY.”

“DA MONEY,” edited by Gabe Gonzalez, is a hard-hitting ballroom track featuring Monica Beverly Hillz of “RuPaul’s Drag Race” fame and Mister Wallace of Banjee Report. Dipper also recently got his own channel on World of Wonder’s WOWPresents.

We chatted with Big Dipper about the video last week, as well as his philosophy as an artist and what we can expect from him in the future.

big dipper

The Huffington Post: What was your concept for your EP “FREE MONEY” and this new video?
Big Dipper: “DA MONEY” was the first song we wrote for the EP and it came about really organically. I met Lemz, the producer, in San Francisco on a gig and I recorded some vocals for him. A few months later, totally unannounced, “DA MONEY” was in my inbox and I gagged. It was so good. Basically, I got really excited and organized a video shoot a week later in Chicago. We had access to a green screen, I made up some cute choreography and got all of my friends to learn it. My friend Tiger Lily was also able to hook me up with cheerleader costumes, so we made it like a sports, club, dance, stripper, money-themed video with really dope animations by Patrick Burnell. Sometimes the craziest ideas come out of limited time and resources.

So then I was left with a great song and a ton of video footage… but I didn’t know what to do with it — how to put it out. “DA MONEY” was so different from all of my other music — it’s all about creating a vibe and relying on repeated vocals. It’s a club track without verses, just hooks and beats. That was exciting to me because I had never worked with producers to make music like that. I wanted to find a way to be involved in club/dance music, even tho I don’t produce or create beats myself. So Lemz and I decided to shape an EP that was all club tracks with a handful of producers providing guidance and production… and that’s how “FREE MONEY” came about.

I know the project is a total departure for me because it isn’t lyric or verse-heavy, and it’s not really that funny… I know a lot of my other music has punchlines and word play, and “FREE MONEY” is much more straightforward than anything else I’ve worked on. But that’s why I love it! I’m an independent artist and I don’t have to answer to anyone, so I love that I get to experiment and play with different music styles.


Who is Big Dipper as an artist?
I’m an entertainer. I like to put on a show. Ideally I can do my show for you live but, if not, I want my lyrics, my vocals, my songs and my music videos to really entertain you. I’m big and loud and ballsy and expressive. As a lyricist I like wordplay but mostly I like how things sound back to back, flow, rhythm, syllables. I’m evolving with the kind of music that inspires me — that’s ever-changing — but if I had a mission statement it would be to “never be boring” [laughs].

I think when I first started there was more of a goal to be gay, sexual, shocking and funny, because I never really saw anything like myself in the hip hop world. Now my goal is to make people happy, challenge myself, have fun, make good music and put on a show.

If people hear/see a message of being a gay rapper or a gay presence in hip hop, that’s great. If people hear/see a message about being big body-positive, about embracing beauty and sexuality in a big, thick hairy body with a big belly, that’s great too.

I’m just grateful that people are listening and watching.

What does the future hold for Big Dipper?
2015 is going to be really cute. I’m going to put out two more music projects, a rap collaboration with Byrell the Great and then a pop music project that I will actually sell on iTunes! Also, at least three more videos before the summer.

I’ll also be out on the road playing more shows this year. I have plans to be in the Northwest for Pride this summer, the West Coast in the spring, Austin for SXSW and then some European prospects for the late summer. Also, my web show with World of Wonder on WOWPresents will continue and I’ll keep putting dumb shit on Instagram.

I’m gonna eat more vegetables, but never turn my back on donuts and bacon, and hopefully start lifting weights so I can carry my oversized luggage easier when I travel.

Want to see more from Big Dipper? Head here.

Vigil Staged Outside San Francisco Cathedral to Protest Archbishop's Anti-gay 'Purity Test' for Teachers

Vigil Staged Outside San Francisco Cathedral to Protest Archbishop's Anti-gay 'Purity Test' for Teachers


San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone’s new anti-gay “purity test” for Catholic high school teachers was met with a protest vigil outside St. Mary’s Cathedral on Friday, the AP reports:

“I chose to send my children to Catholic schools because I wanted their education to be grounded in love, compassion, and a strong sense of social justice,” said Peggy O’Grady, a parent at Sacred Heart Cathedral Preparatory in San Francisco. “This effort by the archbishop will do the opposite, and would run counter to all I believe and value in a Catholic education.”

CordileoneCordileone this week presented teachers at the four high schools owned by the archdiocese with a detailed statement of faith affirming that Catholic school employees “are expected to arrange and conduct their lives so as not to visibly contradict, undermine or deny” church doctrine on matters related to sexuality, marriage and human reproduction.

The statement, which the archbishop said would be added to the faculty handbooks, outlines the church’s teaching that using contraception is a sin and that sex outside of marriage, whether it is in the form of adultery, masturbation, pornography or gay sex, is “gravely evil.”

The “purity test” also calls on teachers to back doctrinal teachings against stem cell research and the ordination of women

Watch video from Friday’s vigil, AFTER THE JUMP



Kyler Geoffroy


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