Beautiful New Video Celebrates First Day of Marriage Equality in Alabama: WATCH

Beautiful New Video Celebrates First Day of Marriage Equality in Alabama: WATCH

Freedom to Marry Alabama

Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore is doing his damnedest to try and stem the tide of change and keep inequality alive and well in his state…but he’s failing. Freedom to Marry has collected videos of happily – and lawfully – wedded gay and lesbian couples in Alabama, reminding us that there is light at the end of this tunnel, and with 47 counties and counting issuing marriage licenses, that hateful oppression that Moore and his ilk would impose upon his LGBT citizens is withering away more each day.

Evan Wolfson, founder and president of Freedom to Marry, wrote a piece at The Advocate that warns against resting on laurels, reminding us that “winning” is not the same as “won”, and that there is still work to do.

For now, though, treat yourself to three minutes of joy with Freedom to Marry’s montage AFTER THE JUMP…

Christian Walters

Arkansas House Votes In Favor Of LGBT Discrimination

Arkansas House Votes In Favor Of LGBT Discrimination
On Friday, the Arkansas House of Representatives voted 57-20 in favor of a bill that would bar cities and counties from sanctioning LGBT anti-discrimination laws.

Arkansas state Sen. Bart Hester (R), who sponsored the bill, told BuzzFeed News that creating uniform policies across the state will attract businesses and that he was angered by one city’s repeated attempts to expand rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals.

“There are many things necessary for stability — and civil rights need to not be a volatile situation,” he said.

Hester told BuzzFeed News that it isn’t just LGBT individuals who are singled out for discrimination. “I am singled out as a politician. I am singled out because I am married to one woman … I want everyone in the LGBT community to have the same rights I do. I do not want them to have special rights that I do not have.”

The bill’s stated goal is to improve intrastate commerce by making it illegal for state businesses, organizations or employers to implement or enforce policies outlawing discrimination on grounds not covered in state law. Currently, Arkansas does not have LGBT protections at the state level.

According to Arkansas Online, the small town of Eureka Springs passed an ordinance this week extending discrimination protections to members of the LGBT community.

Nationally, there has been pushback from state legislatures against expanding LGBT rights. It comes as courts have begun to legalize same-sex marriage and the Supreme Court has said it will weigh in on same-sex marriage this year.

Indiana amended non-discrimination rules for state contractors so organizations can hire based on religious preferences. Oklahoma’s House of Representatives heavily supported a bill that would allow clergy members to refuse to perform same-sex marriages. A Florida bill would restrict individuals to using the single-sex public facility, such as a restroom, that matches the gender that person was given at birth, which is a concern for transgender individuals.

But not all local and state governments are working to ban LGBT rights. This week, a five-person town in West Virginia voted in favor of “a new town ordinance extending discrimination prohibitions on employment, housing and public accommodations to LGBT individuals.”

Arkansas would become the second state to authorize such anti-discrimination restrictions if Republican Gov. Asa Hutchinson signs the bill into law. Tennessee did so in 2011.

Holly Dickson, legal director at the Arkansas American Civil Liberties Union, told BuzzFeed News that people are not happy about the bill.

“As soon as LGBT people get some protections against being evicted or fired just because of who they love, the state is going to absolutely prohibit them from obtaining that sort of protection,” she said.

The bill, which passed on a 24-8 vote in the Arkansas Senate on Monday, is now on its way to Hutchinson’s desk. The Associated Press reports that the governor said Friday that he will allow the bill to go into effect without signing it.

Seismic Shift Underway as Increasing Number of Alabama Counties Extend Marriage Rights to Couples

Seismic Shift Underway as Increasing Number of Alabama Counties Extend Marriage Rights to Couples

Sixteen more Alabama counties are now issuing marriage certificates for same-sex couples as a result of judge’s order

‘Eileen Dover’ Poised To Win Funniest Drag Queen Name Survey

‘Eileen Dover’ Poised To Win Funniest Drag Queen Name Survey

Drag_Queen__8With only three voting days left, a national survey on Funniest Drag Queen Names shows Eileen Dover is leading the pack for crack-showing, candy-tucking chuckles. While Dover seems like she’s sprinting ahead in her pumps, the rest of the Top 10 seems up for grabs. The leading contenders:

• Helluva Bottom Carter
• Hedda Lettuce
• Iona Traylor
• Lois Common Denominator
• Ida Dunham
• Annie Depressant
• Lucy Furr
• Shelita Buffet
• Sarabelle Palsy

Voting closes this weekend, but the search for funny names shall never die. Let’s do our own Queerty survey–post your write-in vote for funniest drag queen name in the comment section!


Anti-Gay Texas House Candidate Calls Opponent 'El Diablo' For Supporting LGBT Rights

Anti-Gay Texas House Candidate Calls Opponent 'El Diablo' For Supporting LGBT Rights


Last month we told you about Nunzio Previtera, the rabidly anti-LGBT Texas House candidate who says God didn’t intend people to be gay

NunzioWith early voting now under way in his runoff against former Councilman Diego Bernal, who authored San Antonio’s LGBT protections, Previtera (right) is at it again. This time, his supporters reportedly are distributing the hateful anti-gay flier shown above. reports: 

A group of supporters of Republican candidate Nunzio Previtera, calling themselves Tejanos Against Politicos, is distributing a flyer to voters in Texas House District 123 that shows two men kissing and former City Councilman Diego Bernal, Previtera’s Democratic rival in the race, depicted as “El Diablo,” the devil.

The two men kissing, of course, are gay Marines Brandon Morgan and Dalan Wells. So it seems that in addition to Bernal, Previtera’s supporters are attacking all military servicemembers. 

But the worst part is that Previtera was endorsed this week by Texas Rebublican Gov. Greg Abbott. From

Governor Greg Abbott rolled into San Antonio on February 11 to offer his endorsement of Nunzio Previtera, the Republican anti-LGBT candidate who’s running against Democrat Diego Bernal in the race for Texas House District 123.

The governor spoke to a group of about 150 people who gathered at a local pizzeria off Blanco Road saying, “We don’t need another Nancy Pelosi-type Democrat in Austin, we need Nunzio.”

John Wright


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