For Serodiscordant Transgender Couple Octavia Lewis And Shawn Lopez, Love Truly Conquers All

For Serodiscordant Transgender Couple Octavia Lewis And Shawn Lopez, Love Truly Conquers All
In many aspects, Octavia Lewis and Shawn Lopez are like most couples forging a life together. Introduced about four years ago by friends, the pair recently moved into a two-bedroom apartment in the Bronx, New York, where they’ve already started a family. Marriage is on the horizon.

In many other aspects, Octavia and Shawn are unique. They are helping raise two very young boys, Ethan and Messiah, who arrived from Children’s Village, which places vulnerable children in homes. What’s more, Octavia and Shawn are a serodiscordant couple—Octavia contracted HIV in 2006 from an unfaithful partner, and Shawn is HIV negative. They’re also transgender.

As First Couple Marries in Texas, Now is the Time for the 5th Circuit to Act

As First Couple Marries in Texas, Now is the Time for the 5th Circuit to Act

HRC congratulates Travis County newlyweds Sarah Goodfriend and Suzanne Bryant and wonders why other couples are still being harmed and forced to endure discrimination.

Chinese New Year Is A Time For Celebration, But For Many LGBT’s The Story Looks Something Like This

Chinese New Year Is A Time For Celebration, But For Many LGBT’s The Story Looks Something Like This

Screen Shot 2015-02-19 at 9.45.07 AMToday is the Chinese New Year, and it’s estimated that 700 million migrant workers retuned home to their families last weekend to celebrate the start of Year of the Goat.

But for LGBT Chinese travelers, making the long journey home can feel like a double-edged sword. The importance of family ties is engrained in the culture, but equally engrained can be an expectation upon children to grow up and lead the “correct” lifestyle. For men, that means meeting the right woman, introducing her to the family, and having children.

In this short film titled Coming Home, we follow one of these stories, ultimately seeing that while the road to acceptance can be wrought with challenge, the love for family is as powerful a force as any.

Watch here:

Dan Tracer

Hear Why This Florida Gay Man Is Refusing Jury Duty to Protest Homophobic County Clerk: VIDEO

Hear Why This Florida Gay Man Is Refusing Jury Duty to Protest Homophobic County Clerk: VIDEO


Chuck Chapman, a 63 year-old gay Floridian who refused jury duty in protest of Clerk of Courts Ronnie Fussell, has been allowed to abstain without facing charges for being in contempt of the court. Chapman explained that while he was proud, tax-paying Floridian eager to do right by his state, he could not abide by Fussell’s petulant attempt at denying gay people to marry.

FussellFussell (right) and two other clerks representing other Florida counties decided that they would no longer issue marriage licenses at the courthouse to any newlywed couples be they gay or straight. The move was a last ditch effort to snub U.S. District Judge Robert Hinkle’s ruling that legalized gay marriages earlier this year.

“If the clerk of the court doesn’t feel comfortable performing same sex marriages, as an openly gay man, I don’t know how I can feel comfortable in court,” Chapman explained to the court judge after being asked whether he held fast to any prejudices. “I’m a taxpayer in this community. I’m a citizen in this community. My rights should be across the board just like anybody else has and anybody else wants and anybody else needs.”

He continued:

“The clerk of the court said they would not perform anyone’s wedding, heterosexual, homosexual, anyone. There were 1900 weddings performed in the courthouse in 2013. There’s a chapel in that courthouse for weddings. There’s money being lost on that courthouse because the clerks of the court do not feel comfortable marrying same-sex partners.

I hope this brings some awareness to the clerk of the courts. This is Duval County. Until this community gets in a position and embraces diversity, we’ll never move forward.”

Watch a First Coast News report on the story, AFTER THE JUMP…


Charles Pulliam-Moore

Alan Cumming Puts A Cheeky Spin On Gay Blood Donor Policy For 'Celibacy Challenge' Campaign

Alan Cumming Puts A Cheeky Spin On Gay Blood Donor Policy For 'Celibacy Challenge' Campaign
Actor Alan Cumming puts a cheeky spin on news that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recommended an end to the nation’s lifetime ban on gay and bisexual male blood donors only to replace it with a new policy that would prohibit donations from men who have had sex with other men over the past 12 months.

Cumming stars in the “Celibacy Challenge” social media campaign, which was launched by GLAAD, the Gay Men’s Health Crisis (GMHC) and other organizations. In a PSA for the campaign, the “Cabaret” and “Good Wife” star introduces himself as the head of the “Department of Sexual Abstinence” before offering up a few winking (and hilarious!) suggestions as to what potential donors can do in their year of celibacy before they give blood.

The campaign’s ultimate goal, officials say, is to urge the FDA to implement a revised blood donation system that screens all donors based on risk for HIV transmission, without limits on sexual orientation or gender identity.

“Stereotypes have no place in saving lives,​” GLAAD President & CEO Sarah Kate Ellis said in a statement. “The FDA’s proposed change still means that countless gay and bisexual men will be turned away from blood banks simply because of who they are.”

To read more about the “Celibacy Challenge” campaign and view a petition urging the FDA to screen all prospective blood donors based on risk, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, head here.


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