No Surprise: Majority of South Carolinians Find Marriage Equality Has “No Negative Impact”

No Surprise: Majority of South Carolinians Find Marriage Equality Has “No Negative Impact”

South Carolina has had marriage equality on the books since November, and voters are doing just fine, according to a recent Public Policy Polling report.

PHOTOS: Jamie Dornan’s Nude Photos Reemerge From His Twink Days

PHOTOS: Jamie Dornan’s Nude Photos Reemerge From His Twink Days

Before he was pretending to be a dom top or a serial killer or a sheriff in a magical land, the rather gorgeous Jamie Dornan was doing what all fresh-faced 21-year-olds dreamed of in the early 2000’s — gracing the pages of the pansexual Abercrombie and Fitch quarterly catalog.

And he didn’t disappoint, though we prefer him a little more mature (and that beard, swoon).

Here he is from back then:



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h/t Buzzfeed

Dan Tracer

These are the Top 25 Beaches in the World and the Beautiful Men We Found at Them: PHOTOS

These are the Top 25 Beaches in the World and the Beautiful Men We Found at Them: PHOTOS

Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica #17 (instagram)

Ready for some warm weather? While the U.S. is going through its most severe cold snap, polar vortex hell of the winter, we’d like to try to heat you up a bit.

TripAdvisor announced its ‘Top 25 Beaches’ chosen by its users all over the world this week. Since we’re not going to be able to visit all of them (or any of them, for that matter) this weekend, we paid a visit to each one on Instagram, and found a few men who have been there to act as our visual tour guides.

Check out the Top 25 beaches in the world below, AFTER THE JUMP

How many have you been to? And let us know your favorite specifically gay beaches as well.


25. Maunganui Beach, Mount Maunganui, New Zealand


24. Ngapali Beach, Ngapali, Myanmar



23. Palm-Eagle Beach, Aruba



22. Diani Beach, Kenya



21. Playa Paraiso, Tulum, Mexico



20. Iztuzu Beach, Dalyan, Turkey



19. Sharm El Luli, Marsa Alam, Egypt



18. Nai Harn Beach, Rawai, Thailand


17. Playa Manuel Antonio, Manuel Antonio National Park, Costa Rica

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Ma3 Ma5
(instagram 1,2,3,4)


16. Cayo de Agua, Los Roques National Park, Venezuela



15. West Bay Beach, West Bay, Honduras


(instagram: “My camera doesn’t do this ocean justice to how beautiful and blue these waters truly are.”)


14. Siesta Beach, Siesta Key, Florida



13. Woolacombe Beach, Woolacombe, UK



12. Radhanagar Beach, Havelock Island, Andaman and Nicobar Islands


(instagram: “At one of Asia’s top ranked beaches, Radhanagar, the landscape turns all of us into artists. White sand, crystal blue waters and the occasional lion on the prowl, like this one….”)


11. Camp’s Bay Beach, Camp’s Bay, South Africa



10. Elafonissi Beach, Elafonissi, Greece


Elafonissi Island is just off the southwest coast of Crete in the Mediterranean. The water often becomes so shallow between the two it is possible to walk from one to the other.



9. Whitehaven Beach, Whitsunday Island, Whitsunday Islands


Set on the largest island in the Whitsunday chain, Whitehaven is famous for its white sands made of nearly pure silica. The Whitsunday Islands are off the coast of Central Queensland, Australia.



8.Flamenco Beach, Culebra, Puerto Rico


Culebra is an island municipality off the east coast of Puerto Rico. Set on a horseshoe-shaped bay, the mile-long beach is said to be the best in the Caribbean. It’s also right next to the Culebra National Wildlife Refuge.



7. White Beach, Boracay, Aklan Province


Boracay is a small island in the Phillippines just off the northwest corner of Panay Island known for its pristine sands.



6. Anse Lazio, Praslin Island, Seychelles


On the island chain in the middle of the Indian Ocean.



5. Playa de Ses Illetes, Formentera, Balearic Islands


 Perhaps make a stop here after partying on Ibiza. It’s just a 30-minute ferry ride away.



4. Playa Paraiso Beach, Cayo Largo, Cuba


Will this hotel-free paradise soon be full of Americans?



3. Rabbit Beach, Lampedusa, Islands of Sicily


Lampedusa is the largest of the Italian Pelagie Islands in the Mediterranean.



2.Grace Bay, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos


 Providenciales is an island in the northwest Caicos Islands and has become a major tourist destination.



1. Baio do Sancho, Fernando de Noronha, Brazil


Fernando de Noronha is an archipelago 200 miles off the northeastern coast of Brazil. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


And now we have a question for you:


Andy Towle

Has the Anti-Gay Right Found it's Gay 'Partial Birth Abortion'?

Has the Anti-Gay Right Found it's Gay 'Partial Birth Abortion'?
The passage of a draconian, stealthily worded anti-gay bill set to become law in Arkansas, with little resistance from the national business community, and muted response from even national LGBT leaders and figures such as Bill and Hillary Clinton, raises two very important questions: 1) Have gay leaders become so cocky, so deluded by victories that they don’t see the backlash organizing right in front of them (or do they see it, but have some foolish, toothless plan to battle it that is equally fed by their delusions)?; 2) Has the anti-gay right found its gay “version” of “partial birth abortion,” or is it at least coming close to it as it tries out various strategies through trial and error?

Last fall at the conservative Values Voters Summit, I sat in on a panel of anti-LGBT leaders titled “The Future of Marriage.” On the panel, Frank Schubert, the mastermind strategist of the Proposition 8 campaign and other same-sex marriage ban campaigns across the country, pondered what conservatives would do if the Supreme Court eventually struck down gay marriage bans in every state, which is how things look now.

The solution the panelists agreed upon? They would have to go the route they did with abortion after Roe v. Wade. They’d have to seek “incremental” wins for their side. On abortion, they chipped away slowly at women’s freedom of choice, making abortion difficult to obtain and passing laws to restrict women’s rights even if some were and are later overturned. Some laws would stick, helping to limit abortion (often affecting poor women). And even when they ultimately lose, the right temporarily shuts down clinics or restricts access, creating a constant state of instability and keeping its agenda — and the often hateful rhetoric — in the national spotlight. They force women and progressives to keep fighting, even when many had already thought the war was over and disengaged. The right’s goal is in fact to just tire out the other side — they really have nothing better to do with their time — and they take advantage of burn out, complacency and apathy.

On the Values Voter Summit panel, discussing the comparison of LGBT rights to abortion, Frank Schubert went on to say they’d have to the find the gay “version” of “partial birth abortion.” Obviously, he meant something with regard to gay rights that would be met with less resistance, among even some Democratic politicians, the business community and the public at large. Later, I asked him about it. He talked about “conscience clauses” and “religious liberties” bills and said they’d be exploring other things.

That’s what the right does: Test something out, see what works, and move on to something else if it doesn’t work. Last year, they sent up a trial balloon with a bill in Arizona that would have allowed businesses to turn away gays, and it bombed big time, as the national media and the business community came out against it. Governor Jan Brewer vetoed the bill. But LGBT activists deluded themselves if they thought that this meant we’d “won” the battle, which is part of the backlash to marriage equality. Arizona’s bill got such resistance because the wording of the bill made it dangerous to all religious minorities. Suddenly it was not just about LGBT poeple — who, yes, have much more support among the public than before — but theoretically everyone.

So, that didn’t fly, and the right moved on, and they’ve had — and have — a few other things in the works. The Arkansas bill — which the anti-gay Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins says is a “roadmap” for states across the country — is much more stealth, and much more wide-ranging and dangerous. GOP Governor Asa Hutchinson said he won’t veto it and thus will let it become law next week. It bans cities, towns and counties in the state from enacting laws protecting gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people in housing, employment or public accommodation. But because it never mentions these groups — it simply says no law shall protect a group not already protected under state law — and presents itself as pro-business and trying to maintain consistencies for businesses throughout the state, it has traveled under the radar.

Because of the wording it may also withstand court scrutiny. The Supreme Court has ruled that a state can’t single out gays with this kind of law, but Arkansas can argue, as Tennessee successfully did after a similar law it passed was challenged in the courts, that no group is targeted specifically. This kind of bill could be used to take away LGBT protections in cities and towns in the 29 states that don’t have statewide protections but where municipalities have passed such laws, affecting millions of LGBT Americans.

And whether it holds up in court or not it means years of discrimination, uncertainly and ugly rhetoric in the political environment, which also then feeds the gay-bashers on the streets. And it’s part of the right’s plan to roll back LGBT rights while many LGBT people become complacent or apathetic, buying into this idea that full civil rights are inevitable, pointing, for example, to polling about young people being more accepting, and, well, doing pretty much what many women foolishly did in the early years of the backlash against women’s liberation.

We’ve already seen national LGBT leaders putting on a face of victory, as if they can just will away continued bigotry. Fred Sainz, vice president for communications of the Human Rights Campaign, praised Jeb Bush when Bush said we should respect the law (after gay marriage began in Florida after a federal judge’s ruling),even as Bush in the same breath then dog-whistled to the right, saying we must respect “religious liberty.” Giving any credence to this language is dangerous, and so is praising Bush for an even remotely pro-gay statement when he’s still dog-whistling and you don’t call out that part. Sainz days later had no comment to Governor Bobby Jindal’s call for a federal marriage amendment when the Washington Blade asked him for a response, bizarrely saying, “We’re not going to comment every time they say something.”

It’s perplexing, but this seems to be part of a cocky strategy to act like winners and not give credence or attention to the haters. But when a state successfully passes an abhorrent, dangerous bill like the one in Arkansas, the only response is a loud, public condemnation, and demands that all your allies, including your business and political allies, speak out and condemn it. No matter if you lose, you must always show the opposition you will put up a nasty fight. Instead, HRC’s Sainz and its President Chad Griffin, who hails from Arkansas and has thought nothing of rushing back for a photo op when local activists have had wins in the past, have said absolutely nothing about it. Nor have they clearly put the pressure on business leaders like Walmart, headquartered in Arkansas, and which likes its 90% HRC Corporate Equality Index score, to speak out. And we haven’t seen any comment from Bill Clinton, for whom Griffin used to work in the White House, or Hillary Clinton, for whom Griffin will raise millions of dollars in a presumed presidential race, as he did for Obama. This, despite grass roots activists like Scott Wooledge and others calling out HRC and doing the work HRC should be doing.

Is it all part of a horrendously foolish strategy to just ignore the losses, and not bring attention to them at this point? Or is it because of HRC’s increasing reliance on GOP money and advisors — such as the millions that GOP hedge fund billionaire Paul Singer has given the group, in addition to his giving lots of money to Arkansas’s governor through the millions he gave to the Republican Governor’s Association? Is HRC following those GOPers advice? (Sainz recently described himself in an in interview as having been formerly active in the GOP, a neighbor of Jeb Bush and former advisor to San Diego GOP mayor Jerry Sanders, whose daughter is gay but whom Sainz had advised not to come out for gay marriage or it would hurt him politically. Sanders did anyway; Sainz has since said he regrets having said that.)

Or is it more about Hillary Clinton and the Democrats? Griffin has been close to the Clintons, and, as stated, HRC will surely back Hillary Clinton in a presidential race as soon as she announces, even if it is giving cover to some GOPers at this point for Singer’s and others’ sake. Do the Clintons simply not want to alienate many Democrats and independents in their home state, many of them still horrendously antigay no matter the change nationally, as Hillary pursues the presidency, and is HRC just helping to not bring the issue to the national spotlight? Let’s not forget, Bill Clinton ran anti-gay radio ads in ’96 all throughout the South, touting his having signed the Defense of Marriage Act after he’d called it “unnecessary and divisive” gay-baiting and said he had signed it reluctantly because it had a veto-proof majority in Congress.

Whatever the reasons, many LGBT national leaders are nowhere on this terrible and potentially enormously impactful law. They continually trumpet the big wins such as marriage equality, staying focused on the Supreme Court, planning their cocktail parties and their celebrations, while the anti-gay right is working furiously, strategizing, having success and readying for battle.

Drunk Pregnant Woman Bites Boyfriend After He Receives Penis Pic From Gay Friend

Drunk Pregnant Woman Bites Boyfriend After He Receives Penis Pic From Gay Friend

woman-screamingIt all started when Donna Hamer glanced over her boyfriend Rick Scherzo’s shoulder while he was sitting at the computer and saw a picture of a giant, throbbing penis.

Drunk and 12-weeks pregnant, Hamer flew into a rage. First she accused her boyfriend of being gay before grabbing a paper towel holder off a nearby counter and beating him with it. Then she punched him in the face, sunk her teeth into his flesh, and threatened him with a 12-inch chef’s knife.

The picture was sent to Scherzo as a joke by a friend of his who happened to be gay. The two men were chatting online. When Hamer saw the photo, prosectors say she “went mad.”

“She started calling him gay and wouldn’t let it go, although he told her it was just a joke,” prosecuting attorney Enza Geldard told a Pennines court this week.

Hamer’s lawyer, Kamran Yousaf, said his client’s behavior was fueled by alcohol and, possibly, pregnancy hormones.

“Clearly, she was aggrieved when she saw that image on the computer and confronted him,” Yousaf said. “She acted wrongly. She shouldn’t have done what she did.”

Yousaf maintained that his client “didn’t intend to injure” Scherzo by beating him with a paper towel holder or biting him. She just “used these weapons to threaten and intimidate” him.

“Since this incident she has stopped drinking,” Yousaf assured the court, “because of the incident and because she’s pregnant.”

Hamer was ordered by a judge to perform community service, as well as pay around $400 in court fees.

Needless to say, the on-again-off-again couple are currently off.

h/t: Pendle Today

Graham Gremore

Pat Robertson: Catering For Same-Sex Weddings Like Servicing Man-Dog Weddings – VIDEO

Pat Robertson: Catering For Same-Sex Weddings Like Servicing Man-Dog Weddings – VIDEO


Bats–t televangelist Pat Robertson has said that businesses catering for same-sex weddings might as well be providing their services for man-dog weddings, reports Right Wing Watch.

Speaking on his increasingly bonkers The 700 Club about yesterday’s ruling that florist Barronelle Stuzman violated Washington’s anti-discrimination law by refusing to service a same-sex wedding, Robertson argued that if “somebody wanted to marry his dog” the florist has now “got to have flowers for that.”

“This is crazy,” Robertson claimed.  Yes it is, Pat. Yes it is.


Not known for his strong grasp on reality, Pat recently said that gay people will die out “because they can’t reproduce.”

Jim Redmond


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