Texas Moving To Ban County Clerks From Recognizing Same-Sex Marriages: VIDEO

Texas Moving To Ban County Clerks From Recognizing Same-Sex Marriages: VIDEO

Cecil Bell Jr

As we’ve previously reported, Texas State Rep. Cecil Bell, Jr. is not happy with the idea of gay marriage coming to his state and wants to move to punish any county clerks that issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples by revoking their pay via House Bill 623. Bell spoke at the Texas Faith and Family Day event in Austin on Tuesday, an event organized by grassroots campaigns like Texas Values, Texas Pastor’s Council and Texas Right to Life. During his speech, he said:

In Texas, our tax dollars cannot be used to recognize the issue or otherwise address marriage any other way than what’s in the Texas constitution which is one man, one woman.

AbbottGovernor Greg Abbott (pictured right) put in his two conservative cents in as well:

I support traditional marriage, it’s what I defended as attorney general. Marriage is an issue reserved to the states.

At least until the Supreme Court rules otherwise

In a move of supremely malicious mockery, organizers celebrated Texas’ 10-year ban on gay marriage by bringing wedding cake to the event.

You can watch KVUE’s news report on the event AFTER THE JUMP…

Christian Walters


Ted Cruz Makes A Crude Bill Clinton Joke And Some Important Policy News

Ted Cruz Makes A Crude Bill Clinton Joke And Some Important Policy News
NATIONAL HARBOR, Md. — Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) gave a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference on Thursday filled with so many red-meat applause lines that it will likely overshadow some important policy pronouncements he made at the end.

On two major planks of the culture wars, the senator came down on the side of states’ rights, suggesting a softening of traditional GOP federalist opposition in each case.

Speaking on the opening day of the annual conservative gathering, Cruz said he felt that decisions about marriage policy are best made at the state level.

“It is wrong for the federal government or unelected judges to tear down the marriage laws of the states,” he told the audience.

That stance is a clear rebuke of a series of lower court decisions that have ruled state marriage bans as unconstitutional. It also seems bound to clash against the Supreme Court, which will weigh in on the matter this June and is expected to declare marriage a constitutional right. But in other respects, Cruz’s remark reflects a newish frontier for a Republican presidential hopeful and a fair bit of movement for Cruz himself.

As recently as last month, Cruz was saying he would introduce a federal constitutional amendment to define marriage as between a man and a woman. Such a position, which was held by Mitt Romney in 2012, would establish a one-size-fits-all policy throughout the country. But on Thursday, Cruz was declaring — at least before the CPAC crowd — that marriage is “a question for the states.”

Nor was that the only thing Cruz said should be left to state lawmakers. The senator also expressed his grudging willingness to follow the same principle when it comes to legalizing pot.

“Look,” he said, after making a few pot-makes-you-dumb jokes to moderator Sean Hannity, “I actually think this is a great embodiment of what Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis called the laboratories of democracy. If the citizens of Colorado decide they want to go down that road, that’s their prerogative. I don’t agree with it, but that’s their right.”

The crowd of conservative activists applauded, which they are prone to do when Cruz speaks.

Elsewhere, he didn’t have to take any risks to get them going. At one point, Cruz made a crude joke about Bill Clinton, uttering “youth outreach” when asked by Hannity to play a word-association game about the former president. As for the other Clinton, Cruz had some pre-packaged lines. “We could have had Hillary here, but we couldn’t find a foreign nation to foot the bill,” he said, alluding to a Washington Post story from the day before about donations made to the Clinton Foundation during Hillary Clinton’s time as secretary of state.

For the most part, Cruz used his time to encourage the crowd to gravitate toward a 2016 presidential candidate willing to stand apart from dealmaking establishment Republicans. Cruz, who knows a thing or two about needling his own party, went through a litany of issues that he said could serve as litmus tests for presidential aspirants.

“If a candidate tells you they oppose Obamacare, fantastic. But when have you stood up and fought against it?” he said. “If a candidate says they oppose President Obama’s illegal and unconstitutional executive amnesty, terrific. When have you stood up and fought against it?”

As he spoke, 20 miles away, congressional Republicans were deliberating a path forward for funding the Department of Homeland Security, where the money runs out on Friday. The night before, Senate Republicans had allowed for a bill to fund DHS to be separated from legislation to undo the president’s executive actions on immigration. Only two Republicans had voted against a measure to essentially start the legislative process by which those dual bills would be considered. Cruz was not one of them. Despite his acquiescence, he was not deterred.

“Look, unfortunately Republican leadership is cutting a deal with Harry Reid and the Democrats to give in on executive amnesty. And the question why is because they are not listening to you,” he said. “There is a mendacity about Washington.”

Watch the video of Cruz’s remarks above.


Surprising New Research Paints A Difficult Picture For LGBTQI Youth

Surprising New Research Paints A Difficult Picture For LGBTQI Youth

Screen Shot 2015-02-26 at 11.10.21 AMAccording to research carried out by The Albert Kennedy Trust (AKT), a whopping 24 percent of homeless youth living in the United Kingdom identify as LGBTQI.

The study, which consisted of a 36-question survey distributed to 473 housing providers across England, Scotland and Wales, aimed to get a clearer picture of the experience of queer homeless youth between age 16-25.

The fact that nearly a quarter of respondents identified as LGBTQI was not the only surprising revelation.

69 percent of that 24 percent reported being forced out of their family home after being rejected due to their sexuality.

Abuse — physical, mental and sexual — also showed up in 69 percent of responses.

Tim Sigsworth, CEO of The Albert Kennedy Trust said:

“After 25 years witnessing the rejection and abuse of LGBT youth just for being brave enough to come out to their peers and family, this report is a much-needed call to action for government, housing providers, and everyone concerned with young peoples’ wellbeing.

Making a number of specific, achievable and cost-effective recommendations we hope to help others prevent lifetimes of youth homelessness and its enduring impact on mental, physical and emotional health.”

Gay Star News reports that austerity measures have caused social services available to homeless youth in the UK to be on a steady decline, currently at their lowest level since 2009.

Dan Tracer


Gaming Website 'The Escapist' Hires Transphobic New Writer

Gaming Website 'The Escapist' Hires Transphobic New Writer


The Escapist, for the unfamiliar, is an online magazine dedicated to pop culture with a very strong focus on video games. Earlier this week Alexander “Archon” Macris, GM & SVP of Alloy Digital, the parent company of The Escapist, had an announcement to make: two new writers have been hired on to the staff!

I’m also excited to report we’ll have content coming from @TheBrandonMorse and @lizzyf620. The evil web of evil expands. — Alexander Macris (@archon) February 20, 2015

Great news, given the site’s diminishing roster as of late. There’s just one problem though. That first name, Brandon Morse? Yeah…he’s kind of transphobic.

Morse lives in Waco, is a contributor for Rare.us – a right-leaning site that holds Herman Cain as one of their all-star voices – and thinks that transfolk are faking it:

If you want to be trans, then you go right ahead. Don’t force everyone else to pretend along with you.

— Brandon Morse (@TheBrandonMorse) November 11, 2014

Right…because dealing with the emotional distress and social fallout, which includes astronomically high rates for being victims of violence and discrimination, is something people want to deal with. This is not a new attitude for Morse as past tweets show his contempt with full-blown mockery:

Trans sic kin boogity boogity goolah! RT @EWErickson: If you have an X and a Y, you’re a guy. It’s biology.

— Brandon Morse (@TheBrandonMorse) August 7, 2013

The wingnuts at Michelle Malkin’s Twitchy are ecstatic over the news, mostly over the fact that it’s causing “butt-hurt”, but when a site that mocks the execution of homosexuals is in your corner perhaps it’s time to revise one’s perspectives on, well, everything.

Morse, however, is unlikely to revise anything as even his current posts show that he’s more content to double-down and even make the so-absurd-it’s-laughable comparison of trans discrimination to gamer discrimination:  

.@desertfox899 All gamers deserve not to be misgendered, oppressed, told their sock puppets, accused of racism, misogyny, called terrorists.

— Brandon Morse (@TheBrandonMorse) February 24, 2015

Congratulations, The Escapist. That’s quite the winner you’ve got there.

Christian Walters


HuffPost Love And Sex Podcast: The Power Of The Clitoris

HuffPost Love And Sex Podcast: The Power Of The Clitoris
Whether it’s Freud telling the world that “real” women orgasm through vaginal penetration or a trashy magazine suggesting sex positions that even the most skilled Cirque Du Soleil performers wouldn’t be able to master, bad sex advice isn’t hard to come by.

Instead it’s the frank, real, anatomically correct conversations about sex and pleasure that have trouble seeing the light of day. And when it comes to any conversation about women’s sexuality, the clitoris — the only organ on the human body whose sole purpose is pleasure — is often the elephant in the room.

Frequently referred to as a “nub” or a “button,” the true anatomy of the clitoris was just discovered in 1998 — three decades after humans landed on the moon! — and is still rarely discussed. In this episode of The HuffPost Love+Sex Podcast, we wanted to know: What would happen if we brought the clitoris out of the shadows and its true function and capabilities were finally known? The answer is nothing short of revolutionary.

To help us better understand the clitoris, the cultural ignorance surrounding this incredible and incredibly ignored part of the human anatomy and how truly damaging that ignorance is — not just for those with clits but for anyone who knows a person who has a clit — Love+Sex hosts Carina Kolodny and Noah Michelson talked with Sophia Wallace, the artistic force behind the emerging ‘Cliteracy’ movement, Jenny Block, author of the upcoming book O Wow: Discovering Your Ultimate Orgasm and Ian Kerner, sex therapist and author of She Comes First: The Thinking Man’s Guide To Pleasuring A Woman:

So tune in and listen up! Because you don’t know what you don’t know about the clitoris.

This podcast was produced by Katelyn Bogucki. Like Love + Sex? Subscribe, rate and review our podcast on iTunes.


Madonna Likens Ageism To Homophobia, Has A Message For The Haters

Madonna Likens Ageism To Homophobia, Has A Message For The Haters

Tom Munro for Give It 2 Me On Set - Outtake3“No one would dare to say a degrading remark about being black or dare to say a degrading remark on Instagram about someone being gay. But my age – anybody and everybody would say something degrading to me. And I always think to myself, why is that accepted? What’s the difference between that and racism, or any discrimination? They’re judging me by my age. I don’t understand. I’m trying to get my head around it. Because women, generally, when they reach a certain age, have accepted that they’re not allowed to behave a certain way. But I don’t follow the rules. I never did, and I’m not going to start.”

– Madonna to Rolling Stone, speaking up for victims of age discrimination everwhere

Dan Tracer



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