Shonda Rhimes Says She Isn't 'Diversifying' Television, She's 'Normalizing' It — There's A Difference

Shonda Rhimes Says She Isn't 'Diversifying' Television, She's 'Normalizing' It — There's A Difference
Shonda Rhimes proved long ago that she is a force to reckon with.

The growing influence she has had in television has not gone unrecognized and has resulted in a major boost for ABC’s Thursday night network ratings. However, more importantly, Rhimes — who is the mastermind behind shows like “Scandal,” “Grey’s Anatomy” and “How To Get Away With Murder” — has increased onscreen representation of diverse roles that were once overlooked and in doing so, has raised further awareness on issues related to LGBT, women and people of color.

Because of her stellar contributions to the medium, Rhimes was honored with the Ally for Equality award at this year’s annual Human Rights Campaign Gala in Los Angeles on Saturday.

After accepting the award, she delivered a searing speech and discussed why she decided to tell such a wide range of stories and how the direction she has taken with her shows is one that goes far beyond just diversifying television.

“I really hate the word ‘diversity,’ it suggests something…other. As if it is something…special. Or rare,” Rhimes said. “As if there is something unusual about telling stories involving women and people of color and LGBTQ characters on TV.”

“I have a different word: NORMALIZING. I’m normalizing TV.”

Rhimes – who also received a Diversity Award during last year’s Directors Guild of America Awards — went on to share why her approach to “normalizing” television speaks to her larger mission at hand: “Making TV look like the world looks.”

“Women, people of color, LGBTQ people equal WAY more than 50% of the population. Which means it ain’t out of the ordinary. I am making the world of television look NORMAL,” she said.

“The goal is that everyone should get to turn on the TV and see someone who looks like them and loves like them. And just as important, everyone should turn on the TV and see someone who doesn’t look like them and love like them. Because, perhaps then, they will learn from them.”

Well said, Shonda, well said.

Read more of Shonda Rhimes’ speech here.

HRC Religion Council Member Becomes First LGBT President of Central Conference of American Rabbis

HRC Religion Council Member Becomes First LGBT President of Central Conference of American Rabbis

For the first time in the 125-year history of the Central Conference of American Rabbis – the rabbinical arm of the Reform Judaism movement– an openly LGBT person will serve as president of the organization.

Father’s Horrific Reaction To Gay Teen Son Captured On Facebook Messenger

Father’s Horrific Reaction To Gay Teen Son Captured On Facebook Messenger

grindr-360x202Here are five words nobody should ever hear after coming out of the closet, least of all from their own father: “This is worse than death.”

Sadly, that’s just one of the remarks that a fifteen-year-old Vancouver, Canada boy named Tyler was met with when he came out to his dad via Facebook messenger.

Tyler posted the conversation, which occurred during the winter, to his Tumblr account. Since then it’s attracted attention for being a harsh reminder of the struggle people face to find acceptance.

After posting a coming out on his Facebook page and telling his sisters and mother, Tyler moved onto his dad. He knew it wasn’t going to be easy.

Here’s more of Dad’s response: “We took care of you since you were a baby. We loved you, took care of you when you’re sick. Lost many days and nights in all your fifteen years. [Now] this is what we get in return, shame and embarrassment…Take out your post from the social media. You embarrass me… I’m going to puke.”

Still, Tyler is hoping for resolution some day soon. He told HuffPost:

“I’m hoping there’s still the possibility that he could change, even it takes while. Maybe he could accept me, because that’s all I want… I just want him to be there for me.”

Here’s the conversation Tyler posted:



Dan Tracer

Equality California Becomes First LGBT Organization to Endorse Hillary Clinton for President in 2016

Equality California Becomes First LGBT Organization to Endorse Hillary Clinton for President in 2016


Equality California has taken a preemptive step in the 2016 race for the White House and become the first LGBT organization to endorse Hillary Clinton for president, the group confirmed in a statement today:

“We want Hillary Clinton to run and are ready to mobilize our 800,000 members to help her win,” said Equality California’s Executive Director Rick Zbur. “We’re enthusiastic about her candidacy because she has the best record of accomplishment on LGBT issues of any potential candidate. Equality California is ready for Hillary!”

As Secretary of State, Clinton championed the rights of LGBT people around the world, making LGBT rights and acceptance a global priority. In 2011, Sec. Clinton gave a historic speech on International Human Rights Day at the United Nations in Geneva, saying: “Gay rights are human rights, and human rights are gay rights.”

Under Sec. Clinton’s leadership, the Department of State used its full range of diplomatic and development tools to combat violence and discrimination against LGBT people worldwide. Thanks to her efforts, LGBT rights became a core principle of U.S. foreign policy in an unprecedented way.

Throughout her career in public service, she has been a champion for LGBT equality and acceptance within the United States. In a video message, Sec. Clinton states “I believe America is at its best when we champion the freedom and dignity of every human being – that’s who we are, it’s in our DNA.”

it’s true – we are the 1st #LGBT org to endorse @HillaryClinton for president: Are u ready?

— Equality California (@eqca) March 16, 2015

EQCA also included a two-page fact sheet on Clinton’s record on LGBT issues, which Chris Johnson over at the Washington Blade notes does not mention the late timing of her endorsement of marriage equality in March 2013. Clinton was one of the last big name Democrats to do so. 

Kyler Geoffroy


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