Daniel Franzese Is On A Mission To Educate People About HIV/AIDS And PrEP

Daniel Franzese Is On A Mission To Educate People About HIV/AIDS And PrEP

10532360_10152727335403731_656890084944760165_n-360x360I’ve learned a lot about PrEP too, and the ways it’s become much easier for those with different HIV statuses to have a sexual relationship. I thought I was protecting myself correctly, but I came to realize — through my experience with HIV-positive friends, the role on Looking, and as an ambassador to the Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation — that I was actually misinformed in a lot of ways about PrEP. After learning the facts, I realized I need to be vocal and help inform those who don’t have the proper information. PrEP is definitely something a lot of gay men don’t have the facts on. I feel like the biggest misconception is people can have unprotected sex if they’re on PrEP. That’s definitely something I didn’t understand. Also, heterosexual people might not know PrEP is available to them. Right now we have the tools to end new infections by 96 percent if we use them. If Hollywood recommits itself to using its influence, then we can start to see a real change with the numbers… I think that’s the exciting thing, when people realize it is possible to end HIV and AIDS. When everyone is getting tested, and people who are positive are receiving the care and medicine they need, and those who are positive are utilizing the tools available to not transmit the virus, we can do this! We’re in a new day and age, and information can reach people a lot quicker this time. We can stop HIV and AIDS once and for all!”


Daniel Franzese, Looking star and ambassador for the Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation, in an interview with HuffPo

Jeremy Kinser


Rachel Maddow Looks At The Rise and Fall of Republican Boy Wonder Aaron Schock: VIDEO

Rachel Maddow Looks At The Rise and Fall of Republican Boy Wonder Aaron Schock: VIDEO


Last night Rachel Maddow reported on the big story out of Washington yesterday that Congressman Aaron Schock would resign after questions continued to arise about whether he had abused the powers of his office for personal and financial gain.

Known for doffing his shirt and showing off his abs more than anything else, Schock found himself in hot water after The Washington Post reported that the decorating of his congressional office was inspired by British costume drama Downton Abbey. While amusing enough on its own, it was that revelation that unleashed a tidal wave of questions about Schock’s actions while in Congress that could not be easily answered, questions about whether he had used taxpayer and campaign dollars in inappropriate ways. As Maddow said, “What started as one off hand comment about the decorating of his office in this ostentatious way turned into a full blown mess for Aaron Schock; boy wonder’s cape was unraveling really fast.”

And it turns out, Schock’s latest misbehavior has a past precedent. Which got Maddow to wonder, “Why is Congressman Schock leaving for real?” Was there some other shoe about to drop? 

Watch the report, AFTER THE JUMP…

Sean Mandell


A Transgender Inmate Shares Priceless Advice With A Gay Teen

A Transgender Inmate Shares Priceless Advice With A Gay Teen

Screen Shot 2015-03-17 at 12.40.10 PMA gay teen caught fighting with someone over rumors that he’d slept with the school football team may have received the best lesson imaginable from a transgender inmate on Scared Straight (unfortunate title, considering).

She tells the boy he should take it as a compliment, because he has “all the men.”

But more importantly, she drives this point home:

“As long as you’re gay, you’re gonna have haters…There’s nothing wrong with being gay, and don’t let nobody tell you there is. You can be anything you want to just have your own.”

That’s something we could all do well to remember.

Watch below:

Dan Tracer



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