NEWS: Miles Teller, Alabama, Barney Frank on Schock, Michigan

NEWS: Miles Teller, Alabama, Barney Frank on Schock, Michigan

RoadCustom clothing company Spreadshirt removes homophobic T-shirt from website that reads, “”Pussys & Beer Thank God I Ain’t Queer!”

Miles RoadMiles Teller shows off his muscular transformation.

RoadThe worst possible broken bone you can imagine.

RoadOne Direction boy-bander Liam Payne says he has kissed fellow 1D-er Zayn Malik: “I ended up kissing Zayn once! Zayn was like, “Come on then, come on”, putting his head close to me,’ Payne confessed. ‘It was like when you’re going to have a fight. Then he just leaned forward and kissed me,’ he told We Love Pop magazine.”

RoadPretty Woman is 25 years old.

RoadSlovenia will begin collecting signatures for referendum on same-sex marriage starting March 23.

RoadTrans actress Alexandra Billings puts her support behind #wejustneedtopee.

RoadIs this the gayest Catholic parish in the U.S.?

RoadAlabama Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore wants Judge Callie Granade to dismiss a lawsuit against him that accuses him of violating her gay marriage order.

CAZ4tq0UwAAxCA5 RoadHillary Clinton has a significant lead in the polls over every major Republican (and Democratic) challenger.

RoadJamaican gay rights activist fights law that bans gay people from entering Belize and Trinidad and Tobago. Authorities in the countries say the acts go unenforced.

Road74% of LGBT American voters say a federal nondiscrimination bill is a top priority.

RoadE!’s Fashion Police is going on hiatus after Kathy Griffin and Kelly Osbourne depart.

Jazzjennings RoadTrans teen Jazz Jennings to get her own reality show on TLC, All That Jazz.

RoadFormer Rep. Barney Frank on the rumors that soon to be former Congressman Aaron Schock is gay: “Of course he should [come out]…if they’re true, and I don’t know that they are. I have to say, if they’re not true, he spent entirely too much time in the gym for a straight man.”

RoadDonald Trump is once again exploring running for President.

RoadThe Empire soundtrack is the #1 album in the country.

RoadMichigan House of Representatives passes three bills that would allow publicly funded religiously affiliated adoption agencies to discriminate against LGBT couples: “HB 4188, HB 4189, and HB 4190 would permit agencies to refuse to allow same-sex or gay prospective parents to adopt, or provide them any services at all, should doing so violate their ‘sincerely held religious beliefs.'”

Sean Mandell

Audacious Goals and Incremental Victories

Audacious Goals and Incremental Victories
As an American and as an Episcopalian I was raised to pledge to and to pray for two audacious goals: “liberty and justice for all” was one and “thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven” was the other.

Yesterday’s historic step by The Presbyterian Church (USA) brought us a little closer to both.

The powerful witness of a mainline denomination ending marriage discrimination is not only in alignment with the core American value of equality — it is a manifestation of the Gospel value of God’s inclusive love. It not only adds to the groundswell of movement toward civil marriage equality in this nation, it debunks the false narrative that we must choose between religious liberty and equal protection for LGBT Americans.

We have been on this journey for many years. What happened yesterday in the Presbyterian Church was the result of decades of the tireless work and witness of those committed to bending the arc of the moral universe toward justice for LGBT people – not just in their church, but in this country. And while the work is far from done, a wise mentor in the work of Gospel justice taught me years ago that our charge was to “set audacious goals and celebrate incremental victories.”

So today we celebrate the incremental victory of marriage equality in the Presbyterian Church. And then tomorrow we get back to work on the audacious goals of liberty and justice for all and a kingdom of God’s love, justice and compassion come on earth as it is in heaven.

We get back to work on being a nation where the equal protection guaranteed all Americans actually equally protects all Americans. We call on the Supreme Court to end the discrimination against some marriages as we commit to a Protect Marriage Movement that protects all marriages. We stand up against “religious discrimination” legislation that is nothing more than a smokescreen for homophobia.

And we look beyond the marriage wars to ending employment discrimination, to just immigration reform, to passing the student non-discrimination act, to eradicating transphobia in all its manifestations … to the long list of incremental victories we need to achieve before we can declare victory on those audacious goals I was raised to both pledge to and to pray for.

But today we celebrate. Because yesterday’s historic step by The Presbyterian Church (USA) brought us a little closer to both – and the sound you hear is the arc of the moral universe moving just a little closer to justice.

Behind Door Number Three, This Gay Couple Gets Engaged And Wins The Internet

Behind Door Number Three, This Gay Couple Gets Engaged And Wins The Internet

Lets_Make_A-DealIt’s time to petition Merriam Webster to change the definition of romance.

The new entry should read something like this:

romance [n., roh-mans, roh-mans] 

While you and your partner wear matching lederhosen on television, he gets down on one knee and proposes to you. This sets off an irreversible chain of events.  Wayne Brady is close by, microphone in hand, and naturally begins to serenade you with a personalized love song as you jump up and down screaming for joy. Behind you, two women in banana and rainbow unicorn costumes respectively cheer with enthusiasm.

Kind of like this:

h/t: GayStarNews

Dan Tracer

Matthew Dempsey Breaks Down The Bond Between Women And Gay Men: VIDEO

Matthew Dempsey Breaks Down The Bond Between Women And Gay Men: VIDEO


If you’ve ever wondered (or theorized) why gay men and straight women often form such tight bonds, Psychologist Matthew Dempsey is here to provide some insight. In a new video, Dempsey describes how relationships between gay men and straight women can provide healing to all parties involved. While gay men have often been marginalized and treated as less than because they are gay, women often times experience a similar marginalization having grown up in a misogynistic culture. With women looking for acceptance from men and gay men looking for acceptance from the straight world, they are perfectly suited to provide each other with the validation they each desire.

Watch Dempsey break it down, AFTER THE JUMP…

Sean Mandell


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