Magic Leap Is Bringing Us One Step Closer To The Augmented Reality Of The Future: VIDEO

Magic Leap Is Bringing Us One Step Closer To The Augmented Reality Of The Future: VIDEO

2015-03-21 16_25_47

Augmented reality has long since been one of the most promising visions of the future presented by Silicon Valley. As cell phones have grown more powerful and wearable devices have become more ubiquitous, that vision has come increasingly closer to realization. In a new video originally meant to be screened at South By Southwest, Magic Leap, a company specializing in AR and backed by Google, shares a little bit of the software its been working on.

Most forms of AR–like Microsoft’s HoloLens–are a virtual overlays projected onto physical objects that can only be seen through a digital lens. Magic Leap’s take on the tech showcases a literal first person shooter game in which static physical objects become weapons that can be used to fight enemies in a video game.

Magic Leap also shows a few brief moments of interacting with e-mail as if it were a tangible thing and sending it with the flick of a wrist. It’s difficult to say just how close this concept video is to what Magic Leap may eventually bring to the consumer market, but the company’s PR director says that the Magic Leap team is playing a version of this game around the office right now.

Check it out, AFTER THE JUMP



Charles Pulliam-Moore

Texas Republican Lawmaker Smacks Down Witness From Anti-Gay Hate Group: VIDEO

Texas Republican Lawmaker Smacks Down Witness From Anti-Gay Hate Group: VIDEO


The other day we told you how Texas lawmakers have set a record this year for the most anti-LGBT bills in the history of any state. 

As it turns out, more pro-LGBT bills have also been filed in Texas than ever before, and one of them was heard in committee this week. 

House Bill 537 would allow same-sex parents to have both names on the birth certificates of adopted children, which currently can only include the name of the one female, the mother, and one male, the father. As a result, more than 9,000 adopted children in Texas who are being raised by same-sex parents don’t have accurate birth certificates. 

During Wednesday’s hearing, the bill found some unlikely support from a Republican, Rep. Byron Cook (above), who chairs the House Committee on State Affairs. Cook, who has an adopted child, smacked down a witness from the anti-LGBT hate group Texas Values. 

The Texas Observer reports: 

DrennerJulie Drenner (right), of Texas Values, claimed the bill would lead to threesomes adopting, affect all birth certificates and require the state to revise more than 20 forms.

But Rep. Byron Cook (R-Corsicana), chairman of the House Committee on State Affairs, told Drenner he was “struggling” with those arguments, and suggested that same-sex couples have been more willing to adopt special-needs children than “the traditional community.”

“That’s a terrible indictment on one group, to be honest with you,” Cook told Drenner. “In regards to your issue that you have to change the forms, so what? I really don’t understand that argument at all. Right now in Texas, we are struggling. We do not have enough parents who are willing to adopt. Thank goodness for people that will adopt children and give them loving homes.”

The bill’s author, Democratic Rep. Rafael Anchia, later noted that a fact-checking service found Texas Values’ claims about the bill to be “mostly false.”

Cook left the bill pending but plans to call it back up for a vote, saying the state owes it to the adopted children of same-sex parents to give them “peace of mind.” 

Watch Cook’s smackdown of Drenner, AFTER THE JUMP … 

John Wright

Is Your Cruise Ship Homophobic? Spend Your Queer Dollars On Gay-friendly Cruise Lines

Is Your Cruise Ship Homophobic? Spend Your Queer Dollars On Gay-friendly Cruise Lines

Artistic Guys Craig Smith

This weekly travel column is brought to you by ManAboutWorld, an immersive digital premium gay travel magazine from Billy KolberEd SalvatoKenny Porpora, and nearly 75 Global Correspondents.

ManAboutWorld examined the gay-friendliness of the cruise industry by polling all major cruise companies. The cruise industry hasn’t always had a great relationship with gay cruisers. When RSVP Vacations first started chartering ships 30 years ago, most lines wouldn’t even allow a gay group. Today, most lines are actively welcoming, if not marketing directly to LGBT customers. But when it comes to policies that actively engage LGBT customers and protect LGBT employees and guests, the lines in general, are not as far along as you’d think, and in general, reluctant to discuss it. 

Celebrity solstice harbor inlet small John OconnorSome cruise lines do much better than others. For example MSC Cruises has just launched a wedding program for lesbian and gay couples, performing legal same-sex weddings in Miami, and symbolic weddings in select other ports. Others aren’t so enthusiastic about their LGBT guests, providing vague responses about ‘welcoming everyone.’  And five major lines (Norwegian Cruise Line, Royal Caribbean International, Silversea Cruises and Windstar Cruises) haven’t yet responded to numerous requests for over two months. It’s even harder to understand when taking into account that some of them, including Windstar, offer full-ship charters to gay cruise operators. 

We don’t have enough responses to fairly grade the individual lines this year, but we’re reporting the responses we did receive. We believe their answers should matter to all of us as gay consumers, and urge you to join the conversation. See the full article with the cruise lines’ responses in the March issue of ManAboutWorld or on Be sure to tell us about your cruising experiences: the good, the bad and even the NSFW in the comments section in our blog.

We want to make the straight high seas a safer and more fun place for gay cruisers so we propose the following set of LGBT-friendly criteria for cruise lines. 

  • LGBT employees should be covered by a non-discrimination policy that explicitly mentions sexual orientation and gender expression.
  • Customer-facing employees should have diversity/inclusion training that specifically covers LGBT guests.
  • Cruise lines docking in ports where homosexuality or gender expression are criminalized should provide all passengers notice about such laws before disembarkation in those ports.

In addition to these minimum standards, we believe marketing and outreach to LGBT consumers, membership in the IGLTA and promotion of LGBT gatherings in daily cruise calendars are important indicators of a cruise line’s commitment to LGBT customers, not just commerce. How will cruise lines react to our criteria? We’ll hold them accountable and report back in a year. 

ManAboutWorld offers opinionated travel information and inspiration in over 100 destinations around the world: Get ManAboutWorld Magazine on iTunes (iOS) or Google Play (Android). 

Image credits: Top: Craig Smith, Source Events; Right: John O’Connor, Tropics Magazine; Bottom: Steven Bereznai

Tdance crowd Steven Berenzal


Ed Salvato


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