1991 Villa Lila Homohuis Nijmegen

1991 Villa Lila Homohuis Nijmegen

www.lesbischarchief.nl posted a photo:

1991 Villa Lila Homohuis Nijmegen

datum: 03 maart 1991
auteur: An Stalpers
nagatief: 910303Aa01

toelichting: Villa Lila Homohuis, In de Betouwstraat 9 Nijmegen. Onderdak voor o.a. COC Nijmegen, Lesbisch Archief Nijmegen en homojongerengroep Pinkeltje.

digitalisering: Fotografica [www.fotografica-nijmegen.nl] uit eigen archief.

Heb je iets op te merken over deze foto of de beschrijving? Schrijf een commentaar of mail [email protected] ovv de bestandsnaam. Je bijdrage wordt zeer op prijs gesteld!

Bij publicatie is naamsvermelding [An Stalpers] en bronvermelding [Lesbisch Archief Nijmegen] verplicht.


'If I'm drunk and the bottle is spinning' Is Jeremy McConnell bisexual?

'If I'm drunk and the bottle is spinning' Is Jeremy McConnell bisexual?
The former Mr Ireland actually posed for Gay Times with his fellow Beauty School Cop Out pal Richard Cull back in 2013. Jezza might now be known for his antics with Stephanie Davis in the CBB house, but it turns out he’s always been a fan of attention …


Cyclists warned to wear Australian standard helmets or face fines

Cyclists warned to wear Australian standard helmets or face fines
The penalty for not wearing a helmet in NSW will rise this March from $71 to $319 under new cycling reforms announced by Roads Minister Duncan Gay last year. Australian-approved helmets require multiple tests to measure the impact when dropped to …


10 jaar Lesbisch Archief Nijmegen

10 jaar Lesbisch Archief Nijmegen

www.lesbischarchief.nl posted a photo:

10 jaar Lesbisch Archief Nijmegen

datum: 13 januari 1995
auteur: An Stalpers
nagatief: 950113Bc06

toelichting: Taart tijdens de opening van ‘Een Lesbische Verjaardag’ in het Open Huis gemeente Nijmegen, en t.g.v. het 10-jarig bestaan van Lesbisch Archief Nijmegen.

digitalisering: Fotografica [www.fotografica-nijmegen.nl] uit eigen archief.

Heb je iets op te merken over deze foto of de beschrijving? Schrijf een commentaar of mail [email protected] ovv de bestandsnaam. Je bijdrage wordt zeer op prijs gesteld!

Bij publicatie is naamsvermelding [An Stalpers] en bronvermelding [Lesbisch Archief Nijmegen] verplicht.


The fight over the tax conformity bill and same-sex marriage…

The fight over the tax conformity bill and same-sex marriage…
The final version of the bill that came to the House on Friday attracted opposition from a small, bipartisan group of lawmakers – some of whom strongly oppose gay marriage … recognized and permitted by the United States Supreme Court and the 9 th …


More UK Anglicans back gay marriage: poll

More UK Anglicans back gay marriage: poll
Anglican churchgoers in the UK who support gay marriage outnumber those opposed to it for the first time, according to a new poll. The YouGov survey suggested 45 per cent of Church of England followers felt same-sex marriage was right, against 37 per cent …


Former Australian PM claims equal marriage will ‘erode’ traditional families

Former Australian PM claims equal marriage will ‘erode’ traditional families
Former Australian Prime Minsiter Tony Abbott has claimed that same-sex marriage would cause the erosion of family – in a speech to an anti-gay group. Mr Abbott, a strong opponent of LGBT rights, served as PM until September when he was ousted by his own …


Clinton, Sanders Continue Debate on Debates

Clinton, Sanders Continue Debate on Debates
Bernie Sanders, who wants to succeed him, over the White House on Wednesday for a private chat. Asked how he would respond to criticism from Clinton supporters that his foreign policy is “dangerous”, Sanders doubled down on his criticism of Clinton’s Iraq …


Ilyse Mimoun's New Book, Choose Your Own Love Story, Makes Romance an Adventure — Plus It's Hilarious

Ilyse Mimoun's New Book, Choose Your Own Love Story, Makes Romance an Adventure — Plus It's Hilarious
(laughs also) Yes, and we can continue ‘conversating’ now. No, I’m glad that you pick on guys who can’t spell, in chat rooms and stuff. I think that’s hilarious. Oh, yeah! I ended up marrying a wonderful nerd — those are always the best. What was your …



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