Skype For Android’ Updated, Now Allows Users To Save Video Messages

Skype For Android’ Updated, Now Allows Users To Save Video Messages
Skype for Android is bringing the same feature to your devices. Here is how to save videos on Skype chat messages: tap on the video and hit Save. You can watch the video whenever you want by going to your Android’s gallery. The updated Skype for Android …

Straight Talk for Teens: Column provided great service to community

Straight Talk for Teens: Column provided great service to community
Those from gay youth and parents of gays — that no other mainstream column helped dispel false stereotypes as much — validated the “straight” in Straight Talk as clear-headed wisdom. Today, the panel shares their parting advice. Next week …

Reddit user comes out to 'very conservative' father on 20th birthday, this was his amazing response

Reddit user comes out to 'very conservative' father on 20th birthday, this was his amazing response
‘I had called myself a faggot in my snap chat story when I was drunk and one of my siblings must have showed him. ‘He asked me if it was true that I was gay and I said yes.’ He received these texts the next day: ‘Happy Birthday Son, I Love You more …

Is it made of Blue Steel? Ben Stiller wrecks a classic car for crash scene on set of Zoolander sequel

Is it made of Blue Steel? Ben Stiller wrecks a classic car for crash scene on set of Zoolander sequel
On Wednesday, the new trailer was finally revealed, and while most heralded it as hilarious, some were put off by a scene involving Benedict Cumberbatch playing a transsexual model named ‘All.’ Indeed, LGBTQ activists have called for a boycott of the film …

I Had to Leave My Church to Save My Family

I Had to Leave My Church to Save My Family
Last week, my family and I resigned from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. After the release of their new policy, which declares married gay couples to be apostates and bars their children from baptism until the age of 18 (and further …

African gays make simple request to pope: preach tolerance

African gays make simple request to pope: preach tolerance
Homosexuality or the act of gay sex is outlawed in most of Africa’s 54 states. South Africa is the only African nation that permits gay or lesbian marriage. The Catholic church holds that being gay is not a sin but homosexual acts are. Uganda, which is …

Addicted to chemsex

Addicted to chemsex
An increasing number of gay men are taking part in multi-day, drug-fuelled orgies – despite the health risks. Paul Flynn reports on a powerful new documentary, and what it says about love and loneliness Miguel was in the middle of a three-day sex and …

Portugal Approves Gay Adoption Bill

Portugal Approves Gay Adoption Bill
Portugal became the sixth European country and the eight nation in the world to allow gay couples to marry with passage of a marriage bill in 2010. In 2013, the Portuguese Parliament approved a law that allows married gay couples to adopt the children of …


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