Gay men “under pressure” to be stylish and witty according to academics

Gay men “under pressure” to be stylish and witty according to academics
He cited playwright Oscar Wilde, BBC chat show host Graham Norton, and the Stanford Blatch character in Sex And The City as examples of these gay men in popular culture. Dr McDermott, principal lecturer in social pscyhology at the university, agreed …

PFP Sets GREAT GAY PLAY AND MUSICAL Contest Semi-Finalists

PFP Sets GREAT GAY PLAY AND MUSICAL Contest Semi-Finalists
Son Bill knows she might know he’s gay. But not even Herculean efforts to neither ask … As a playwright, Stephan’s other works have been seen throughout the states, Off-Broadway in NYC, in Canada and as far away as Abu Dhabi. Chicago audiences might …

Activists push taxpayer-funded gay manual in schools

Activists push taxpayer-funded gay manual in schools
“Do you think that some lesbian, gay or bisexual young people feel that they need to … which has won support from the Australian Secondary Principals Association, beyondblue, headspace and the Australian Education Union. The Victorian government …

Voting Begins in New Hampshire in 2016 Primaries

Voting Begins in New Hampshire in 2016 Primaries

Today, voters across the Granite State will head to the polls to vote in the nation’s first primary this election season.

HRC staff and volunteers have been on the ground for weeks, getting out of the vote for Hillary Clinton.

HRC endorsed Clinton last month at rally in Des Moines, Iowa.

While our volunteers have been knocking on doors and phone banking, they’ve met several LGBT leaders and allies, including former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards, former Houston Mayor Annise Parker, Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney, Boston Mayor Marty Walsh, Michelle Kwan and Chelsea Clinton. Hillary Clinton joined HRC’s volunteers to thank them for their hard work and dedication.

As a candidate, Hillary Clinton has made LGBT equality a pillar of her campaign, and unveiled a robust, ambitious and detailed plan for making progress on equality as president.  She has vowed to fight for the Equality Act — a bill that would finally offer explicit, clear, and permanent non-discrimination protections for LGBT people at the federal level — and her LGBT policy platform specifically calls for dropping the ban on open transgender military service, banning dangerous “conversion therapy” for minors, ending the epidemic of transgender violence, and supporting HIV prevention and affordable treatment, among other proposals that would advance equality and support the LGBT community.

There is so much at stake for the LGBT community in the 2016 presidential election. Over the last seven years under President Obama’s leadership, the nation has made substantial progress on LGBT equality. Despite the fact that a majority of Republican and Independent voters today support federal protections for LGBT Americans, the leading Republican candidates for president have threatened to halt progress as well as revoke, repeal, and overturn the gains made during President Obama’s two terms. The next president will have the power to reshape the Supreme Court, appoint top officials throughout the government, sign or veto non-discrimination legislation, and reshape foreign policy.

Planned Parenthood


Equality Bus

Chelsea Clinton

Sean Patrick Maloney


Michelle Kwan

Paid for by Human Rights Campaign PAC. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

Watch: Join our live chat on the latest Raiders stadium issues, noon PST on Feb. 10

Watch: Join our live chat on the latest Raiders stadium issues, noon PST on Feb. 10
Bay Area News Group Oakland city reporter Matt Artz and sports franchise expert Andy Dolich discuss where the Raiders stand on their stadium issues and where they might be playing in 2016 and beyond. Join the discussion as ask your questions via Scribble …

Lib Dem leader submits bill to end gay blood ban

Lib Dem leader submits bill to end gay blood ban
In England, Wales and Scotland, men who have sex with men are deferred from giving blood for 12 months, while in Northern Ireland a permanent ban remains … “The current law which bars sexually active gay men is scientifically and socially outdated …

What Donald Trump's Use Of This Slur Means To Me As A Gay Man

What Donald Trump's Use Of This Slur Means To Me As A Gay Man
The ban was in place for 22 years, and while LGBT individuals make up a small percentage of HIV-positive individuals worldwide, here in the United States, the virus will forever be linked to gay men, the first group to be diagnosed with the gay plague …

Yachting: Final countdown to Sailing & Boating Week

Yachting: Final countdown to Sailing & Boating Week
Club open days and try sailing opportunities are being offered across New Zealand with many clubs inviting members of the public to come down to meet and chat with members about how to get started. Yachting New Zealand’s three Volvo Sailing…Have a go!

Charlotte City Council Schedules Non-Discrimination Vote for February 22

Charlotte City Council Schedules Non-Discrimination Vote for February 22

Yesterday, the Charlotte City Council held a public meeting, which included a briefing from City staff on a proposed non-discrimination ordinance that would protect the Charlotte LGBT community from discrimination in public accommodations, vehicles for hire and in government contracting. The briefing, requested by Mayor Jennifer Roberts and members of council, reviewed the legal implications for the proposed ordinances, the scope of the Council’s legal authority to enact the protections and specifically addressed concerns raised by one of Charlotte’s leading opponents to LGBT protections, State Representative Dan Bishop. Late last month Rep. Bishop, a candidate for the State Senate, sent a letter to Mayor Jennifer Roberts and Charlotte city council members laying out a legal and political case for delaying and abandoning the Mayor’s pledge to move forward on LGBT non-discrimination protections. The briefing reaffirmed the city’s legal authority to move forward later this month.  

Opponents to LGBT protections in Charlotte held a press conference directly before the briefing and demonstrated inside the Conference Center of the Mecklenburg Government Center.

In the closing hour of the briefing, a motion was made and approved to bring the non-discrimination ordinance up for a public hearing and a final vote on Monday, February 22.

Earlier this month, HRC members in Charlotte joined representatives from Equality NC, MeckPAC, the Mecklenburg County LGBT Democrats and the Charlotte LGBT Chamber of Commerce to announce the re-launch of TurnOUT! Charlotte and push for a fully inclusive non-discrimination ordinance. TurnOUT Charlotte, originally convened by HRC, Equality NC and MeckPAC, was an unprecedented program launched last year to engage the LGBT community and our allies in the Charlotte City elections.

HRC is encouraging our members in Charlotte to attend the hearing on Monday, February 22 and to wear blue to show your support for LGBT non-discrimination. 

Pictured above: Following the Charlotte City Council’s briefing Scott Bishop (HRC Board member), Erica Lachowitz (transgender advocate and Charlotte LGBT Chamber of Commerce Board member) and Crystal Richardson (Equality NC Director of Public Advocacy) hold an impromptu press conference to discuss the outcome of the briefing.

Pictured below: Charlotte Mayor Jennifer Roberts and City Council members are briefed by City staff on the proposed Charlotte non-discrimination ordinance. 

Charlotte Mayor Jennifer Roberts

Transgender man killed by police in Arizona and misgendered by the media

Transgender man killed by police in Arizona and misgendered by the media

Kayden Clarke, a 24-year-old transgender man, was shot and killed in his home by local police on Thursday, February 4th, in Mesa, Arizona. According to Det. Esteban Flores of the Mesa Police Department, two local officers were sent to Kayden’s home after friends reported that he threatened to commit suicide in emails and text messages. The police allege that after entering his home, Kayden lunged towards them with a knife, which led the police to use firearms. The two officers, unidentified, are now on administrative leave while Mesa detectives investigate the shooting. They did not have body cameras on, and the police refused to disclose how many shots were fired.

Kayden used his YouTube channel to talk about his gender transition and living with Asperger’s, including the roadblocks and discrimination he faced while trying to access transition-related care. The National LGBTQ Task Force, along with several disability and LGBT advocacy organizations, released a statement asserting that, “Autistic people’s gender identities are real and must be respected; there is absolutely no excuse for barring transition based on the informed consent of an Autistic individual.” The statement also notes that this is not the first time that police officers have used lethal force against a person experiencing a mental health crisis, and that more needs to be done to prevent this from happening. The National Center for Transgender Equality also released a statement, saying, “This killing seems to fit a pattern of excessive force against people who are transgender, face mental health crises, or have disabilities, and underscores a deep need for police reform and accountability.”

The police and many media outlets have repeatedly mis-gendered Kayden, identifying him by his birth name and the wrong pronouns. Unfortunately, this scenario is common for transgender people who are victims of violence, and GLAAD has created a guide specifically for journalists reporting on such incidents. Earlier this year, media outlets misgendered two other transgender people who were murdered, Monica Loera in Texas and F. Hilario in Brazil. GLAAD is reaching out to the Associated Press and other media outlets to urge them to correct their stories and accurately idenfiy Kayden.

February 9, 2016


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