Keegan Hirst, Rugby League Player, Says Tyson Fury's Views Show How Far LGBT Attitutes Have To Go
Last year, at the age of 27 he became an icon for Rugby League when he came out as gay. Starting his career … he tells The Huffington Post UK, reflecting on the past. “It’s easy to jump on a phone now or even an internet chat room, if I was to give …
Celebrating Family and Loved Ones on Valentine’s Day
Celebrating Family and Loved Ones on Valentine’s Day
On Sunday, thousands of same-sex couples across the nation will celebrate their first Valentine’s Day as a married couple.
Prior to the Supreme Court’s decision in favor of nationwide marriage equality, brave plaintiff couples from all 50 states stood up, fought back against regressive laws and helped expand equal rights for all. They lived openly and honestly, sharing their stories of struggle and love with the nation, moving hearts and minds like never before.
This Valentine’s Day weekend, we recognize the couples and families who sacrificed their privacy and gave it their all to make marriage equality the law of the land.
HRC asked several of the plaintiffs in marriage equality cases across the country what this Valentine’s Day means to them. Below are their photos and thoughts.
The Yorksmith Family
Before our boys joined our lives we would celebrate Valentine’s Day with cards, a small gift and a nice romantic dinner out at our favorite restaurant, The Melting Pot. For the last five years we’ve celebrated by doing special things with our boys. Dinner and cupcakes or popcorn and a movie with a fire in the fireplace.
This year, we will spend it in a similar fashion at home with our boys. We love thinking about all of the couples that will get married 2/14/16 in Ohio and Kentucky because love won on 6/26/15!
Below: Our family at the Supreme Court right after hearing the ruling.
Tim Love and Larry Ysunza-Love
We are one of the Supreme Court plaintiff couples who won our case on June 26 last year. We were named plaintiffs in Love v. Beshear, the case that has Kim Davis so upset as our case was around marriage licenses for same-sex couples in Kentucky. The best part is that our case was filed purely by circumstance on Valentine’s Day 2014.
With the last name “Love,” most people think that was done on purpose. Absolutely not. To us it was a sign that someone was sending us a message.
We had to wait 35 years to be legally married but we stuck together because true life love stories never end. We were finally able to marry in our little historic 108 year old church on Larry’s birthday the week of our 35th anniversary with all of our friends and family in attendance.
The Bourke De Leon Family
In our 33 years together, Valentine’s Day has always been low key. We have a home cooked meal and a heart shaped cake. When our kids were younger we would decorate our living room with lots of red and hearts!
This Valentine’s Day is the first that our marriage will be recognized in our home state of Kentucky! First time filing jointly for our state taxes! Most importantly marriage equality has brought us the ability to both be legal parents to our two children!
Our hearts are full this Valentine’s Day, full from the equal rights we won June 26, 2015.
Pictured below L-R: Isaiah Bourke De Leon, Greg Bourke, Bella Bourke De Leon, Michael De Leon
Kim and Tammy Franklin-Boyd
As our first Valentine’s Day recognized as a married couple, we are reminded that this is a day that represents Love. Tammy and I are proud to have been a part of the fight for OUR LOVE to be recognized. We wish everyone a wonderful Valentine’s Day and hope that each and every day is full of LOVE for you and yours.
David Michener and Family
This Valentine’s Day will be just as lonely as the last two without my husband. As this is the first Valentine’s Day after the Supreme Court ruling, our love goes out to the rest of the country.
The Talmas-Vitale Family
We are celebrating our 17th Valentine’s Day together. In years past we would have enjoyed a nice romantic dinner followed by a night on the town, but have since happily traded that in for a chicken nugget & pizza party dinner with our beloved son Cooper. We end our Valentine’s Day dinner with heart-shaped Cookies and Milk (Cookies – store bought of course).
Pictured below L-R: Rob, Joe & Cooper. Day before oral arguments (04/27/2015) in front of the Supreme Court.
GLAAD Global Voices returns to the United Kingdom
GLAAD Global Voices returns to the United Kingdom

GLAAD’s Director of Programs, Global and US South, Ross Murray, spent the last week in London, Manchester, and Edinburgh to revisit some of the people and organizations with whom GLAAD began working last October as part of the Global Voices program. Murray also developed new relationships with several additional LGBT advocates across the United Kingdom.
Last October, GLAAD expanded its commitment to accelerating acceptance of the LGBT community around the globe. The launch of GLAAD UK was one part of that commitment, and this most recent trip continues and builds upon that work. GLAAD is partnering with organizations to empower local advocates to share their stories in local and national media to help move hearts and minds across the UK and beyond.
Murray is also meeting with Nigerian LGBT advocates to discuss how GLAAD can be an asset to the work they’re doing in the country.
These actions are the latest steps in GLAAD’s global work. Last month, Murray was in Beijing, representing GLAAD at the Chinese Rainbow Media Awards, an event that celebrated fair and accurate depictions of LGBT people in Chinese media. This is just the latest in GLAAD’s ongoing work with advocates in China, where LGBT people are regularly marginalized.
Check out photos from the visit around the UK below:
Meeting with‘s London staff
Hot dog spot owned by Merissa Hermer, star of Bravo’s “Ladies of London”
Human Dignity Trust‘s Jonathan Cooper presents on crimanlization of LGBT people around the globe
Sparkle, based in Manchester, hosts what they boast to be the largest trans convention
Manchester’s LGBT Foundation‘s staff
LGBT Foundation in Manchester
Ross in Manchester with a statue of Alan Turing, subject of the GLAAD Media Award-winning film, The Imititation Game
A photo posted by Ross Murray (@inlayterms) on
GLAAD’s @inlayterms continues his work in the UK. Today he was in Edinburgh with leaders from @LGBTIScotland!
— GLAAD (@glaad) February 12, 2016
Flyers for Equality Network in Scotland
Our Final Fantasy VII Game Club Chat Is Live Right Now!
Our Final Fantasy VII Game Club Chat Is Live Right Now!
The live chat is up and running — come join us by clicking on the banner below, or by going directly to That said, we also want to involve you directly in the discussion, so we’ve planned a text live chat for Friday …
The dead couple
Canadian Gay Curling Championships begin in Winnipeg
Canadian Gay Curling Championships begin in Winnipeg
Sixteen curling teams are competing at the 11th annual Canadian Gay Curling Championships in Winnipeg until … together to create the event to provide a competitive platform for Canada’s top LGBT curlers in an inclusive and supportive environment, a …
Aussie archbishop removes gay ‘marriage’ advocate as speaker at Catholic conference
Aussie archbishop removes gay ‘marriage’ advocate as speaker at Catholic conference
MELBOURNE, Australia, February 12, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – A Catholic member of Australia’s Parliament won`t be giving the keynote address to Catholic social workers as scheduled because of her public support of same-sex “marriage.” MP Cathy McGowan …
Moms for Equality: Michelle Honda-Phillips
Moms for Equality: Michelle Honda-Phillips
Michelle, the daughter of Congressman Mike Honda, is just your average mom in Northern California. She is the mother of three children, including her transgender daughter, Malisa.
“Malisa is your typical preadolescent girl,” Michelle said in a new video for HRC. “She’s very creative. She loves to craft and sing.”
Michelle and her father have both been open about their undivided support for Malisa and equality for the transgender community.
“You hear a lot of stories about teenagers and adults who encounter violence or who encounter fearing for safety in general and I just hope that she doesn’t have to,” Michelle explained.
While the family has become a vocal advocate for transgender youth, many LGBT young people lack crucial support from their families, and instead are rejected, leaving them at risk for homelessness, substance abuse, depression, and suicide. Up to 40 percent of homeless youth identify as LGBT.
Watch the video below and for more information on supporting and caring for transgender and gender-expansive children and youth, visit
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Every mum should be told about this NOW’: Brit woman fighting isolation EPIDEMIC
Cancer mum Heidi Loughlin would have ‘kept baby in tummy’ Pregnant Mum raves on gym ball to bring on labour There is also a strong online support system which allows mums to log in to a live chat page and seek counsel from support groups, which have been …