Composer David Lang dishes Oscar nomination for Best Song and making director Paolo Sorrentino cry (Video)

Composer David Lang dishes Oscar nomination for Best Song and making director Paolo Sorrentino cry (Video)
The tune is “Simple Song #3,” written by David Lang, who earned an Oscar nomination for Best Song. As tells us during our recent webcam chat (watch above), the process of writing it was unique. Oscar predictions: Will Ennio Morricone finally win Best Score …

6 Things You Can Say To Someone Who Needs Comfort, Besides 'I Love You'

6 Things You Can Say To Someone Who Needs Comfort, Besides 'I Love You'
When someone you know is going through a trying time, it can be difficult to know what to say. “I love you” is always a beautiful show of support, but it’s not the only phrase you can use to offer some comfort. Here, six eloquent authors reveal the …

National: Walmart lawsuit; Puerto Rican justice; gay GOP in Texas; Huey Newton

National: Walmart lawsuit; Puerto Rican justice; gay GOP in Texas; Huey Newton
Puerto Rico Supreme Court Justice Maite Oronoz Rodríguez, an out lesbian, has been nominated to be the court’s chief justice—a move that would make her the first openly LGBT chief justice in the United States … unseat openly gay Lamar County …

India’s most googled person is Sarnia-born Bollywood star

India’s most googled person is Sarnia-born Bollywood star
During Kathleen Wynne’s Ontario trade mission to India earlier this month, much was made of Canada’s first openly gay premier being honoured at the Golden Temple in Amritsar, the holiest shrine of the Sikh faith. Some socially conservative Sikhs had …

Call to suspend hate laws 'disgraceful': Triggs

Call to suspend hate laws 'disgraceful': Triggs
arguing it will damage the standing of religious communities and harm the mental health of gay people. Responding to the ACL’s push to have anti-discrimination laws “set aside” during the plebiscite campaign to ensure free speech, Australian Human Rights …

Shed no tears for Antonin Scalia: Let us not praise the man who gave us Citizens United and Bush v Gore

Shed no tears for Antonin Scalia: Let us not praise the man who gave us Citizens United and Bush v Gore
In Obergefell, he even pretended not to care about gay marriage that much … homosexuality, illegal immigration, states’ rights, the death penalty, and guns. In other words, “textual originalism” is just a cover story. Scalia is actually up to …

Samantha Armytage's Sunrise skit with Kristin Davis not just all in good humour

Samantha Armytage's Sunrise skit with Kristin Davis not just all in good humour
Having spoken of her refugee advocacy work with the UNHCR, she had a friendly chat with co-host Samantha Armytage about … they’d have noticed the uncanny resemblance between him and Stanford Blatch, the gay talent agent and honorary “fifth lady” of …

ANZ's local division posts 6% drop in first quarter profit on skinnier margins

ANZ's local division posts 6% drop in first quarter profit on skinnier margins
Australia & New Zealand Banking Group’s kiwi unit reported a 6 percent fall in first-quarter profit as tight lending competition ate into margins, even as it grabbed a bigger slice of the market. Cash profit fell to $390 million in the three months ended …

Monogomy, open relationships, love and life – we catch up with Jake Brunger to chat about Four Play

Monogomy, open relationships, love and life – we catch up with Jake Brunger to chat about Four Play
You’ve said that when you were approached by Old Vic New Voices to write a ‘state of the nation gay play,’ you knew exactly what to write about. What gave you that certainty? I’m 28, and I look around at my mates – gay or straight – and in …

Here’s Why 65 West Virginia Lawmakers Voted To Allow Uber To Discriminate Against LGBT People

Here’s Why 65 West Virginia Lawmakers Voted To Allow Uber To Discriminate Against LGBT People

Corporate policy already protects Uber’s riders and drivers from discrimination based on gender identity or sexual orientation.

The post Here’s Why 65 West Virginia Lawmakers Voted To Allow Uber To Discriminate Against LGBT People appeared first on ThinkProgress.


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