Our staff dishes on their favorite Will & Grace moments

For the highly anticipated premiere of Will & Grace tonight, we asked some of our staff to tell us their fondest memories of the show’s original run, and what the show has don’t for LGBTQ acceptance. Don’t forget to tune in Thursdays at 9pm ET!
Mackenzie Harte
In terms of genuine overall silliness: the episode at Stan’s funeral where Karen and Minnie Driver’s character are feuding is just hilarious
For my own life: In one episode, Karen and Grace share a bed and it’s no big deal, and as they fall asleep, one says “What, no kiss goodnight?” and the other responds “Oh sorry sweetie” and then gives the other a kiss. At the end of the show, this conversation is repeated, but with the roles reversed. That showed me to be caring and affectionate with my platonic friends and I think has led me to be more comfortable in my friendships.
In terms of culture:
- Will and Jack kissing on “the Today Show”
- James Earl Jones taking Jack’s acting class and being unafraid to be “girly”
- Karen being bisexual, even though that term is never used, and the gender of her partners never being an issue. (Ideally this would be better explained in the future.)
Anthony Ramos
I’m just happy that I am OUT this time around! I was young and not even close to being out when the show originally aired but I remember the episode where Jack came out to his mom and her acceptance being very powerful.
I still crack up when I see the episode where Will and Grace sing “Midnight Train to Georgia” with Sandra Bernhard when they’re pretending to be able to buy her penthouse. So good!
Jeremy Blacklow
My favorite moment was the 2002 episode “A Chorus Lie” featuring Matt Damon, when Jack is trying to figure out whether or not the newest member of the gay chorus line is straight and he devises a devious plan to find out.
The line “Anne Heche Laffoon, he’s gay!” gets me every time!
Justin Rosado
I think my favorite part of the show was being able to watch a show with a gay character as a lead and not just a side note.
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