Open Question: Please help: Do you think my friend is gay or bi?

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Open Question: Please help: Do you think my friend is gay or bi?
Please tell me if you think my friend could most likely be gay or bi based on my descriptions about him. We are both college aged males and I am bi myself. We been friends for over 6 months.
-Out of the 24 friends he has on Facebook, at least two I know for a fact is gay, because one has a boyfriend and the other is pretty open about it. One other friend has a picture of himself with a pink long-hair wig and cross dresses. Another has a rainbow profile picture previously, which could mean he just supports the LGBT community, but he also looks gay to me based on what I saw. That’s at least 4 gay male friends on FB out of only 24 friends.
-My friend has a previous PROFILE picture of a male pop star with both his hands touching his collar as a pose.
-He walks FAR away and out of sight to answer his phone calls virtually EVERY time someone calls him.
-He admits he’s shy around “lots” of people, including me.
-When is is texting/chatting with people on his phone or laptop, he tries to hide the conversations from me, even though I don’t care who he’s speaking to.
-He rests his head on his dad’s lap or on his shoulders, when he lays down, and he is freaking 19! He crosses his legs with one knee on top of the other.
-While he doesn’t talk much, when he does, he NEVER talked about girls once.
-One time I had a magazine with a almost nude female on the cover and I asked if he’s interested in it, and he said “no.” He considers even women a few years older than him to be “old.” I ended up asking my friend if he “likes girls, guys, or both,” and he stared at me a paused for a few seconds before asking me “what I meant,” when I told him, I mean “do you like to date girls, guys, or both,” he then turned his head away from me and said “girls.” I finished by asking him, “so you never liked guys before?” And he said “no.” He broke eye contact right after I explained what my question meant. Is this a good sign he is gay or bi? He was speechless and just stared at me for some seconds when I asked him THEN he answered me. What do you think about his answer and reaction?

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