Open Question: Lesbian and Gay Men questions?
I am just curious because I have decided to plan to join an LGBT Society. I am straight just in case. Here are the questions:
1. When did you realize you were gay/lesbian?
2. Who is your lesbian/gay hero?
3. Who does the house work?
4. Are you in a loving relationship right now?
5. Have you ever dumped your ex because you found out you were gay/lesbian? (My ex did)
6. Lesbians only: When you see a woman, where do you look first; Boobs, Face, Butt, Legs?
7. Gay men only: When you see a man, where do you look first; Chest, Face, *down there*, Body?
8. How did your parents react when you told them you were gay/lesbian?
9. Since women are always right, how do you sort out an argument? *lesbians only*
10. What do you have against the opposite sex?
11. Have you ever fell in love with a straight?
12. Have you dated bisexuals?
13. Have you done BDSM?
14. Why do most people hate gays and lesbians so much? Aren’t you cool guys HUMANS too?
15. Gay men only: do you ever find women attractive?
16. Gay men only: do you like breasts? Just asking, you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to?
17. Lesbians: Why do men fetishize lesbians so much?
18. Gay men: How do straight guys often react towards U
Additional question *Lesbians*: The other day my good lesbian friend came up to me and told me that she loved me. I was flattered until she told me she meant it in a different way. I didn’t know what to say but I just said thanks. Now she is moving on to me even though she knows I am straight.
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