Open Question: I'm Gay But Don't Want to be Part of the LGBT community?

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Open Question: I'm Gay But Don't Want to be Part of the LGBT community?
I’m pretty sure I’m gay because I only fall in love with guys and only men are usually what I’m attracted to. I’m starting to consider accepting it and stuff, I really want to hook up with guys and act on my feelings. But the thing is not only am I a devout Protestant Christian, but I also don’t want to be a part of the whole “gay” thing. I want to stay in my community, the Anglo Saxon American Protestant culture where I belong, not the LGBT stuff. I don’t want to be a part of that whole thing, and be the base for all the pro-gay legislation and everything. I just happen to be attracted to guys, but that shouldn’t define me. In today’s world, if you’re gay, that’s all you are, people see you as nothing else but gay, and I don’t want that. I just want to be a regular Christian New Englander, not part of the whole LGBT thing. Is there a way for me to handle this?

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