Open Question: How would I go about paying for male-to-female HRT?
I’m 18 and I have a slightly-above minimum wage job. I still live with my parents, and only on of my siblings know that I’m considering any of this. I still need to buy a car, which I’ve been looking on Craigslist for.
There is a LGBT Teen group in my area, and I intend on going. But, they hold their meetings during my work hours. So consistently going will be a problem, as I’d need to tell my parents to borrow the car and negotiate with my boss on getting off early on Wednesdays.
I’ve found a gender therapist, though I have yet to see him yet. He doesn’t require insurance, but charges $125 for a 50-minute session. Is that to much? I think it sounds reasonable, but I’ve never dealt with therapist rates before.
I intend on going to community college for 2 years, and then transferring to a connected university. More than likely majoring in Economics. Which is going to be a good chunk of money and debt.
From what I’ve read, HRT will cost $10,000 a year… for the rest of my life. I intend on getting FFS as well, but I’ve read it’ll cost upwards of $36,000. When would be the best time to get FFS after HRT? Also, I don’t know any surgeons that specialize in that surgery.
So does anyone have any tips to make this more financially feasible? Or suggestions for alternatives? Or just general advice?
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