Open Question: How to deal with my church's views on homosexuality?

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Open Question: How to deal with my church's views on homosexuality?
I’m 13 (soon to be 14) year old girl and my parents have been making me go to church for over 2 years now. We all used to be atheists and my mom and dad converted to Christianity. I’m still an atheist. Every now and then, they try to get me to pray and read the Bible but they don’t try to force the religion down my throat like they used to.
The church we go to is Spanish and I am SO thankful that I can’t understand the stuff they say in there, because I would go all out. I love the people at my church but I can’t stand what they say about homosexuality and transgendered people. I’m straight, but I support LGBT completely.
Although it is Spanish, my parents like to go over with me what they heard in church. They said homosexuality is wrong and those who are gay will not ‘enter the gates of heaven’. When I disagree with this statement or get upset, they say “why does that upset you? Are YOU gay?”. Its all just very upsetting.
How would you deal with something like this?

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