Open Question: How do I make up for my homophobic/trans phobic past?
I was born to a very homophobic/trans phobic father. I was a lot like him. I once thought that all LGBT people should be executed. Secretly I was always confused about my identity, but I just pretended to be your everyday homophobic extremist. Then I began to meet LGBT people in college and they were really nice to me. I soon gave up my homophobic stance and began to support the LGBT community. Then I accepted the fact that It is okay to be different. Fast forward a couple of years. I am now a little ways into my transition to female and I am gay because I like women. I want to get involved in more LGBT things to make up for how I use to be. I use to yell homophobic slurs at people in public. I don’t know if I can ever forgive myself for being that person.
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