Open Question: Hey everyone I'm a 17 year old male and recently I haven't been getting as excited or Sexually turned on by females?

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Open Question: Hey everyone I'm a 17 year old male and recently I haven't been getting as excited or Sexually turned on by females?
I heard that people and mainly teens go through something called a, “Gay Phase” Which has them thinking about the same sex. when I looked at erotic photos of women I would ejaculate with no problem , but recently It takes a while now I decided to test myself and I put a Video with Gay porn, I ended up ejaculating fast and feeling ashamed for myself, I know I’m not Gay, Not that I have anything against gays, I’ve had many crushes on girls before and had a Gf it wasn’t a close one but long distance, Do I have these thoughts because Of too much porn? Or because I don’t talk to girls as much? Have I become sexually obsessed???

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