Open Question: Am I allowed to be upset?

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Open Question: Am I allowed to be upset?
I just found out today my bestfriend is dating a girl. She don t like labels buts she s bi I guess. I mean I support her completely and she always knew this cause I sorta always knew she was I would joke about it with her and stuff all the time but she would Deni it. But the girl she is with lives in a different state and they met online. She always talks about her and stuff. I dont like the girl. I don t like her because she s all she talks about she ignores me for he and everything so I m a jealous friend I admit it but when I would point she does this out she would go it s different and I never under stood until she slept talked and told me. I was mad of course cause she thought I would leak it to everyone we know and brag about it make fun of her and it would be weird and I would hate her and all this crap she know won t happen because I completely support lgbts rights and I would never do anything like that. But what really is ticking me off is there is another girl she talks to her name is like cal or something and she s known her for a month and told her. They also met online and her I am finding this out she tells her before me. But not only that but she talks behind my back to this girl and tells her our personal conversations. She told when I joked about her and someone else and this girl convinced I was walking all over her and she needs to stick up to me and all this crap and I don t we legit just sit around and hang out and talk. Can I be mad at this?

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