Oh Look, Another Antigay Skeleton In Trump AG Pick Jeff Sessions’ Closet
You’re not going to believe this, but Jeff Sessions has taken more actions to oppress LGBTQ people than we even thought. Sessions was just appointed as incoming Attorney General by Donald Trump — you know, the guy who’s supposed to be the most pro-gay Republican president elect in history?
Here’s the latest atrocity from our friend Jeff Sessions curtesy of CNN: back in the 90s, Alabama had a law that prohibited public universities from funding groups that promote “actions prohibited by the sodomy and sexual misconduct laws.” When an LGBT conference was planned at the University of Alabama, Sessions did everything in his power as state Attorney General to have the conference cancelled.
Did the conference even indeed promote “actions prohibited by the sodomy and sexual misconduct laws”? Well, maybe, if you consider an interfaith panel the height of taboo eroticism.
The battle dragged out for months, and ultimately resulted in the law being ruled unconstitutional and the conference getting a significant boost in attendance — so, a huge loss for Sessions. Still, it could easily have gone the other way; and there’s no way the conference organizers could have raised the millions of dollars it costs to bring a case before the Supreme Court.
Now Jeff Sessions is in charge of defending the nation’s laws, and deciding what side the Department of Justice will take in cases involving the government. And when LGBT issues come up in court — as they definitely will sometime very soon — which side do you suppose he’ll take?
Thanks again, Donald, for being such a good friend to the gays. Remember, it’s totally valid for queer people to support the Republican party.
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