‘Obama’ Calls Trump a ‘Dipsh*t’ in ‘Fake News Video’ Warning: WATCH

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‘Obama’ Calls Trump a ‘Dipsh*t’ in ‘Fake News Video’ Warning: WATCH
fake news video

A new PSA from filmmaker Jordan Peele and Buzzfeed CEO Jonah Peretti warns of the danger of fake news video in which footage is expertly dubbed using readily available software.

Said Peretti: “We’ve covered counterfeit news websites that say the pope endorsed Trump that look kinda like real news, but because it’s text people have started to become more wary. And now we’re starting to see tech that allows people to put words into the mouths of public figures that look like they must be real because it’s video and video doesn’t lie!”

Says “Obama” in the clip: “We’re entering an era in which our enemies can make it look like anyone is saying anything at any point in time — even if they would never say those things. So, for instance, they could have me say things like, I don’t know, Killmonger was right! Or Ben Carson is in the sunken place! Or, how ’bout this: Simply, President Trump is a total and complete dipsh*t.”

More on how the clip was made here.

The post ‘Obama’ Calls Trump a ‘Dipsh*t’ in ‘Fake News Video’ Warning: WATCH appeared first on Towleroad.

‘Obama’ Calls Trump a ‘Dipsh*t’ in ‘Fake News Video’ Warning: WATCH

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