Number Of Countries Criminalizing Homosexuality Has Fallen From 92 to 76 Since 2006: REPORT

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Number Of Countries Criminalizing Homosexuality Has Fallen From 92 to 76 Since 2006: REPORT

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A report issued yesterday by ILGA shows that the number of countries banning gay sex has fallen from 92 to 76 since 2006.

ILGADetailed findings in the report include:

  • There are 117 UN member countries where same sex sexual acts between adults in private are legal.

  • Among the 76 countries where gay sex is illegal, Chad introduced a new Penal Code last year punishing anyone who has sex with persons of the same sex.

  • Eight States officially legislate for the death penalty, but only five (Mauritania, Sudan, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Yemen) actually implement it.

  • Four states – Algeria, Lithuania, Nigeria and Russia – have implemented ‘propaganda of homosexuality laws.’

  • Discrimination in employment based on sexual orientation is now prohibited in 63 countries, including Chile, Samoa, Namibia and city of Buenos Aires in Argentina.

  • Seven countries have a constitutional prohibition to discrimination based on sexual orientation.

  • Hate crimes based on sexual orientation are considered an aggravating circumstance in 34 countries.

  • Incitement to hatred based on sexual orientation is prohibited in 31 countries.

  • Marriage equality is legislated for in 18 countries.

  • Joint adoption by same-sex couples is legal in 19 countries including Luxembourg, Malta, Austria and Ireland.

Report authors Aengus Carroll and Lucas Paoli Itaborahy said:

“While in 2006 – said the Authors – 92 countries criminalized same-sex sexual acts between consenting adults, we now see this number falling down to 76 countries in 2015. However, the situation is still unacceptable: more than one-third of the world’s States consider same-sex sexual activity illegal. On the other hand, although 2013 saw an alarming rise in the number of States considering a new wave of criminalization through ‘homosexual propaganda’ laws, in fact only a small number actually implemented them.”

Read the full report and see the 2015 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Map of World Laws, AFTER THE JUMP


World Map_lg



Jim Redmond

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