Not Everyone Was Pleased With Grindr’s Clueless Deportation Tweet During VP Debate

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Not Everyone Was Pleased With Grindr’s Clueless Deportation Tweet During VP Debate


There was some serious drama on Grindr’s Twitter page last night.

The dating app decided to let gay comedian Guy Branum take over its account during last night’s vice presidential debate, tweeting out GIFs, memes, and other snarky commentary during the 90 minute snooze fest, er, presentation.

The exercise started out innocently enough, with Branum making middle school jabs at both candidates, first by comparing Pence to “a cartoon turtle” and then by saying Tim Kaine is “1/4 bobblehead on his mother’s side.”

And then came this tweet:

If Donald Trump gets to deport 16 million people, I want you to think how much hotness would be lost from your @Grindr screen. #VPDebate

— Grindr (@Grindr) October 5, 2016

But not everybody found the joke funny. Or even kinda funny.


— Jacob (@OhHeyJacob) October 5, 2016

.@Grindr aww you were doing so well until this one!

— Slade Sohmer (@Slade) October 5, 2016


— Dad Celo (@DadCelo) October 5, 2016

@Grindr You probably want to delete this

— Yes, You’re Racist (@YesYoureRacist) October 5, 2016

@Grindr You’re cut off.

— Brian Gluckman (@bgluckman) October 5, 2016

@Grindr … or we could think about the torn-apart families, people uprooted from their homes, etc. Not just about lost chances to be laid.

— SpoopyEnby (@CanadiEnby) October 5, 2016

@Grindr really? You tried and failed.

— Cedric Gum (@OMCeddie) October 5, 2016

After it became clear the tweet had hit a nerve, Grindr immediately went into damage control. The very next tweet was a disclaimer from Branum that sounded an awful lot like it was written for him by the app’s PR team:

Fun reminder: right I (@guybranum) am tweeting for @grindr, these opinions are mine, not necessarily @Grindr‘s

— Grindr (@Grindr) October 5, 2016

That was followed by another tweet a short while later:

I (@guybranum), am white, and I’m sorry for the extent to which my privilege made me feel it was ok to joke about deportation.

— Grindr (@Grindr) October 5, 2016

He could have left it at that. But instead, Brenum decided to dig himself into an even deeper hole by arguing with people.

@eatsleepFEELS @guybranum They asked me to!

— Grindr (@Grindr) October 5, 2016

@rolandodiaz16 @Grindr I got a perfect score on my LSATs.

— Guy Branum (@guybranum) October 5, 2016

That was me, @guybranum, tweeting the #VPDebate. I got distracted about half way through by people yelling at me for the deportation tweet.

— Grindr (@Grindr) October 5, 2016


Then he took to his own Twitter account to double down on his original statement that massive deportation would be an absolute tragedy for horny gay men:

For the record: Gays who want to fuck being torn apart by racist immigration policies is just as sad as families being torn apart by them.

— Guy Branum (@guybranum) October 5, 2016

So what’s the takeaway from all this… aside from yet another reason why hookup apps and late night comedian’s might want to refrain from trying to make serious political commentary?

Mathew Rodriguez at says that, in addition to ignoring the fact that many of the LGBTQ people who would be deported under a Trump/Pence administration would be sent back to countries that are hostile towards gay people, it highlights the ongoing issue of white privilege within the gay community:

Because white gay men are still afforded a disproportionate amount of power and representation in the gay community, a conversation about immigration became a conversation about white access to black and brown bodies. The funny thing is, this still centers the idea that white people should have access to any body they want.

What do you think? Were the tweets by Branum sent from Grindr’s Twitter account offensive? Or are people taking what was mean to be a flippant remark too seriously? Share your thoughts in the comments section…

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