News: Elizabeth Warren, Uber, Zac Efron, Gay Genes, Ryan Gossling

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News: Elizabeth Warren, Uber, Zac Efron, Gay Genes, Ryan Gossling

Road The Washington Post on why Elizabeth Warren would be a very dangerous candidate in 2016. 

1989Road Legendary director (The Birdcage, Angels in America) and EGOT winner Mike Nichols  has passed away

Road Taylor Swift’s 1989 hits the 2 million sales mark

Road Towleroad’s Brian Sloan has a great new article over at The New York Times on how gay bookstores are adapting in an “era when print is supposedly dying.”

Road The 10 worst Uber horror stories.

Road Texas Governor Rick Perry on his flash pan 2012 presidential bid: “I was a bit arrogant”

Road Today marks the 16th Annual Transgender Day of Remembrance. 

Road The Daily Beast on the problematic hunt for a “gay gene” – “Indeed, as it has always been, the magic bullet for the acceptance of homosexuality seems to be the act of knowing an actual gay or lesbian person, not reading a study that suggests the possibility of a shared genetic marker on the Xq28 region of the X chromosome…In terms of promoting LGBT equality, then, it doesn’t seem to matter as much whether or not people believe that gay people are “born that way” as it does that they simply know someone who is currently gay, no matter how they were born. Friendship is the trump card in the movement for equality, not etiology.”

EfronRoad Zac Efron and James Franco casually discuss their masturbation habits in spoof video for The Interview

Road Check out this fascinating new study on the economic cost to American businesses as a result of our nation’s patchwork same-sex marriage laws. Here’s one of the fact highlights of the study’s findings: Every additional day of inconsistent marriage laws will cost the private sector $3.5 million.

Road Rand Paul and Al Sharpton grab breakfast together to discuss criminal justice issues. 

Road Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy is getting some push back from his political allies for his controversial call for the country’s gay marriage laws to be repealed. 

 Road Study reveals The New York Times has a pro-dog bias. 

ConnorRoad How to Get Away With Murder‘s Jack Falahee dishes on his character Connor’s steamy gay sex scenes on the show – “I am glad that people are talking about it and that it’s sparked the conversation. I think that that’s the aim of entertainment.”

Road Olympic gold medal swimmer Ian Thorpe reveals he’s “ashamed” he didn’t come out as gay sooner.

Road Former U.S. Senator from Virginia Jim Webb has launched an exploratory committee for presidential bid.

Road Is Ryan Gossling rejecting the Sexiest Man Alive award?

Road Prince Harry loves playing with his sword

Road Britney Spears is set to make an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live tonight. 

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