NEWS: Election Day, Teotihuacan, Ice Bike, Ben Stein

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NEWS: Election Day, Teotihuacan, Ice Bike, Ben Stein

Election RoadAnother friendly reminder to VOTE!

RoadWill Michael Fassbender step in to play Steve Jobs in the Aaron Sorkin-penned bio-pic now that Christian Bale is out?

RoadArchaeologists unearth treasure horde at ancient Mexican city of Teotihuacan: “A large offering found near the entrance to the chambers [inside a tunnel], some 59 feet (18 meters) below the Temple of the Plumed Serpent, suggests they could be the tombs of the city’s elite. “Because this is one of the most sacred places in all Teotihuacan, we believe that it could have been used for the rulers to … acquire divine endowment allowing them to rule on the surface,” Gomez said.”

JuLJgJ8 RoadMeet the world’s first ice bike

RoadIn case you weren’t quite over Halloween: Beyonce also dressed as Frida Kahlo for All Hallow’s Eve.

RoadSpeaking of Beyonce, more Bey is coming your way. 

RoadLISTEN: Chvrches release their song “Dead Air” from new Hunger Games soundtrack.

RoadIceland’s ban on gay men donating blood to be challenged: “Our blood is not infected. This is a completely clear example of discrimination based on sexual orientation.”

Davey RoadVIDEO: Davey Wavey has straight guys try to explain gay slang (Warning: possibly work unfriendly).

RoadSun’s out, guns out: the boys of Magic Mike XXL are in the final days of filming.

RoadAre Miley Cyrus and Patrick Schwarzenegger an item?

RoadConservative pundit and TV personality Ben Stein says President Obama is the most racist president ever: “He is purposely trying to use race to divide Americans.”

RoadSteven Tyler opens up about alcohol and drug abuse: “I am also a drug addict and alcoholic and fighting it every day…I had it all. I didn’t care. And I hurt my family and my children and my friends. If it wasn’t for the program of AA, I would have nothing. I’m a better drug addict and alcoholic than I am a musician. I got to keep it in check.”

RoadAngelina Jolie is open to running for political office someday.

Sean Mandell

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