New poll shows US evenly split over Supreme Court’s marriage decision

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New poll shows US evenly split over Supreme Court’s marriage decision

Although marriage equality is legal in all 50 states, the US remains divided over same-sex unions.

According to an Associated Press-GfK poll, 39% approve of the Supreme Court’s Obergefell Vs Hodges ruling; however, 41%  disapproved and 18% have no opinion at all. This same division is in  permitting LGBTI couples to marry in the states of respondents; 42% favor and 40% opposed.

The survey also shows support for protecting religious objections to same-sex marriage. Fifty-sex percent think it’s more important for the government to protect religious liberties, and 39% consider protections for LGBTI citizens more important.

When it comes to clerks, those in charge of issuing marriage certificates, just under half think  they should have religious objections. The same percentage are opposed.

A large majority, 59%, want wedding related businesses to have the right to refuse same-sex couples; 46% think businesses in general should be allowed not to serve customers due to religious objections. A slight majority, 51%, are opposed to that right.

As to be expected, there is a gulf between the two major parties. Only 22% of Republicans approve of marriage equality in their state; 65% of Democrats are in favor.

The post New poll shows US evenly split over Supreme Court’s marriage decision appeared first on Gay Star News.

James Withers

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