New Hillary Ad Champions LGBTQ Rights

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New Hillary Ad Champions LGBTQ Rights


There’s a new Hillary Clinton ad from the Human Rights Campaign, and it’s quite sweet.

“Equality is about of course passing laws, but it also is changing hearts and minds,” she says. “We need to build an America where nobody has to worry that they can get married on Saturday and get fired on Monday. Where kids aren’t bullied just because of who they are and where every American has the chance to live up to his or her God-given potential no matter who they are or who they love.”

It concludes with a reminder to vote, which is of course crucially important if you live in a swing state. If not, you can still have a say in the election by quitting your job to volunteer, or by donating thousands of dollars.

Hillary’s relationship with LGBT people is occasionally a bit rocky — she’s endured some justifiable criticism for not supporting marriage sooner. But most of the criticisms against her either aren’t true, or don’t tell the full story.

The good news is that queer people overwhelmingly support Clinton, by a margin of 80% for her and 20% for Trump. Is she perfect? Hahaha, no, but neither is John F. Kennedy or Cher or Abraham Lincoln or Walt Whitman or Helen Mirren or whatever other idols you have. Nobody is perfect, but in this bonkers country we only get two choices for president. One is pretty good and the other isn’t even worth discussing, so all things considered, it could be worse. Hey, there’s a great national slogan — “America: It could be worse.”

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