Neil Patrick Harris Says a Kiss from Burt Reynolds Helped Him Realize He Was Gay: VIDEO

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Neil Patrick Harris Says a Kiss from Burt Reynolds Helped Him Realize He Was Gay: VIDEO


In his new Choose Your Own Autobiography, Neil Patrick Harris writes about coming to an understanding that he was gay, and reveals that one of his ‘aha’ moments was on the set of the 1989 TV show B.L. Stryker, when he received a surprise kiss from the show’s star Burt Reynolds.

Writes Harris in the book:

As a joke at the end of one take, Burt leans over and kisses you square on the mouth…The crew thinks this is very funny, but it makes you uncomfortable. Uncomfortable and, it will ultimately turn out, gay. Burt Reynolds’ kiss makes you gay.

Harris appeared in one episode of the short-lived series. And thankfully (or not)  for us, the entire episode is on YouTube.

Check it out, AFTER THE JUMP

Andy Towle

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