NC Gov. Pat McCrory Again Uses Transphobia to Fear Monger for Votes – WATCH

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NC Gov. Pat McCrory Again Uses Transphobia to Fear Monger for Votes – WATCH

pat mccrory

North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory is once again attacking transgender people to further his political career.

On Wednesday, McCrory, who is currently up for reelection, put out an ad defending his support for HB 2, the discriminatory anti-LGBT ‘bathroom bill’ that banned all local civil rights ordinances in the Tar Heel state.

The ad called “Common Sense” opens with a title card that reads, “The truth about privacy.”

Said McCrory in the ad,

“You know, when we were raising average teacher pay, creating new jobs and cutting taxes, other folks were actually pushing to make our schools allow boys to use the girls’ locker rooms and showers. Are we really talking about this?

Sadly, we are.

McCrory added,

“Does the desire to be politically correct outweigh our children’s privacy and safety? Not on my watch. Our kids and teachers are my priority. This is North Carolina. Let’s do what’s right.”

This is the second ad McCrory’s campaign has put out which uses transphobia to fear monger for votes.

PREVIOUSLY: Pat McCrory Attacks Opponent Roy Cooper with Transgender Bathroom Scare Ad – WATCH

McCrory has faced an uphill battle against his Democratic challenger, state attorney general Roy Cooper.

Cooper is currently ahead in the latest polls, according to Real Clear Politics.


The post NC Gov. Pat McCrory Again Uses Transphobia to Fear Monger for Votes – WATCH appeared first on Towleroad.

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