Model Chloe Goins Says Bill Cosby Drugged Her And Licked Her Toes In 2008

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Model Chloe Goins Says Bill Cosby Drugged Her And Licked Her Toes In 2008
Another woman has come forward with claims against Bill Cosby.

Chloe Goins, a 24-year-old model and dancer, told The Daily Mail that she attended a party with a friend at Hugh Hefner’s Playboy Mansion in Los Angeles in 2008, when she was 18 years old. Goins says that Cosby drugged and then led her into a bedroom where she later woke up, completely naked and in a daze, to find the comedian masturbating while licking and biting her toes.

In the last six months, more than 20 women have come forward accusing Cosby of sexually assaulting them over the course of five decades. However, Goins’ accusation against Cosby is the first that could fall within the statue of limitations for criminal charges. Goins’ lawyer told The Daily Mail that Goins wants justice for Cosby’s actions against her and the other women who have spoken out, and is planning to press charges soon.

Goins stressed to The Daily Mail that she doesn’t believe she was “raped or molested,” but she did feel “very violated and humiliated.”

As Gawker’s Gabrielle Bluestone pointed out, the statute of limitations changes depending on the charge:

Although California allows prosecutors ten years to file rape charges, the lesser offense of sexual battery has a six-year statute of limitations, which might have already run. Goins, who has not yet filed a police report, said through her attorney that she plans to meet with LAPD detectives to give a statement this week.

The Huffington Post reached out to Cosby’s attorney for comment on Goins’ claims, but had not received a response at the time of publication.

According to Goins, Hefner — a longtime friend of Cosby who has recently distanced himself from the comedian — introduced Goins and her friend to Cosby once they arrived at the party.

Goins says that she and her friend were talking to Cosby and he seemed, “like a really nice guy, really funny.” During their conversation, Cosby allegedly left and came back with drinks. “I wasn’t really supposed to drink because of my age but I was like, ‘O.K., cool’,” Goins told The Daily Mail. “I thought I’d got a drink on the side. I remember the drink being kind of strong but it didn’t taste funny or anything like that… Someone spiked my drink, I have no doubt about that, it was my first drink of the night.”

After a few minutes, she says “everything kind of went a little foggy, I started feeling sick to my stomach, and just dizzy.” Goins claims Hefner noticed she looked sick and offered her a bedroom to lie down in. She says Cosby then offered to show her to the room.

Goins told The Daily Mail the next thing she remembers is waking up completely naked on a bed. “I was butt naked lying on my back on a bed and didn’t have any idea where I was,” she said. “I came to and remember seeing this big man crouched over me. It was Bill Cosby and he was at my feet, kind of licking and kissing them and I think he bit my toe as that’s what woke me up. I kind of thank God for that because that’s what woke me up and I came to.”

Once Cosby realized Goins was awake, she says he jumped up, pulled up his pants and left the room immediately. She believes Cosby had been groping her body and licking her breasts. “I remember waking up and feeling moist all over, like he had been licking all over me. He wasn’t on my breasts when I woke, but I could feel, you know, the saliva on them and that he’d been licking on me,” she told The Daily Mail.

“Bill Cosby was on TV and had a family man image, I thought to hurt that, he would come after me, try to ruin me,” she said. “This isn’t something I really wanted out there about myself, but I saw all the women who had come forward, over 20 women and it grossed me out. I feel he needs to pay for it, he deserves to pay for it.”

Head over to The Daily Mail to read Goins’ entire story.

Below is the list of women who have come forward with allegations about Cosby, dated to the time that the allegations were made public.

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