Miss Piggy Gives Rihanna a Run for Her Money in ‘Bitch Better Have My Money’ Cover – VIDEO

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Miss Piggy Gives Rihanna a Run for Her Money in ‘Bitch Better Have My Money’ Cover – VIDEO

Miss Piggy

Rihanna had better watch her back, because one of our foremost divas is poised to snatch her crown.

Vulture has given us a gift that keeps on giving: a Miss Piggy cover of “Bitch Better Have My Money.” RiRi stans take note: formidable as a champagne bottle may be, it’s no match for Piggy’s mighty pimp slap. Piggy’s tight-and-right disco perm in these classic clips will have you asking “Beyoncé who?”, “Gaga, what?” To be honest, you’ll have a hard time even remembering the original “BBHMM” video once Piggy gives you picture hat, after picture hat, after picture hat.

Check out the video below, and be prepared to let out a resounding “yaaaas, pig.”

For those of you eager to dive deeper into the Miss Piggy “discography,” who could forget her gritty electroclash roots? Here is another classic mash-up, with Piggy covering Peaches’ “Fuck the Pain Away”:


The post Miss Piggy Gives Rihanna a Run for Her Money in ‘Bitch Better Have My Money’ Cover – VIDEO appeared first on Towleroad.

Jake Folsom

Miss Piggy Gives Rihanna a Run for Her Money in ‘Bitch Better Have My Money’ Cover – VIDEO

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