Michael Cohen Gave House Intel Panel ‘Explosive, Game-Changing Information’ in Closed Hearing, Lawyer Tells Rachel Maddow: WATCH

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Michael Cohen Gave House Intel Panel ‘Explosive, Game-Changing Information’ in Closed Hearing, Lawyer Tells Rachel Maddow: WATCH

Former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen offered “explosive…game-changing” information on Trump in a closed-door session before the House Intelligence Committee on Thursday, and that’s why he’s coming back next week to testify again, Cohen’s lawyer Lanny Davis told Rachel Maddow on Thursday night..

“In a way, Michael was more effective today than he even was yesterday when he exceeded all of our expectations in working with him. Because today new information was developed that really could be game-changing and chairman Schiff and everybody in the room who wasn’t a partisan Republican praised him for his honesty and forthrightness, and the development of this new information is the reason he’s coming back next Wednesday.”

Davis said the new info was “not core to the Russia investigation” but about “lying and obstruction” evidence.

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Michael Cohen Gave House Intel Panel ‘Explosive, Game-Changing Information’ in Closed Hearing, Lawyer Tells Rachel Maddow: WATCH

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