Martin O'Malley Goes After Hillary Clinton's Cautious Record on Gay Rights in Marriage Equality Video: WATCH

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Martin O'Malley Goes After Hillary Clinton's Cautious Record on Gay Rights in Marriage Equality Video: WATCH


Former Maryland governor and likely Hillary Clinton challenger Martin O’Malley released a video yesterday touting his longstanding support for marriage equality. 

“History celebrates profiles in courage, not profiles in convenience,” O’Malley says in the video. “The dignity of every person tells us that the right to marry is not a state right, it is a human right.”

In March 2012, O’Malley signed a marriage equality bill in Maryland. Referendum supporters later put the issue on the November ballot where it passed with 52% of the vote. 

Bloomberg notes that the video was released mere hours after Clinton released a statement yesterday in support of a pro-equality SCOTUS ruling this year and that timing “seems to imply that Clinton’s Wednesday statement was an act of convenience, not courage.” Clinton had previously advocated a state-by-state approach to marriage.

Watch the video, AFTER THE JUMP


Kyler Geoffroy

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