Mark Green uses Bible verse to call transgender people “evil”

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Mark Green uses Bible verse to call transgender people “evil”

Tennessee State Senator and Army Secretary Nominee Mark Green has once said transgender Americans have a “disease.” But now, GLAAD has exposed audio of Mark Green using a Bible verse as a source to call transgender people an “evil” that must be “crushed.”

“The Trump Administration must have been desperate to fill this post because Mark Green’s anti-LGBTQ remarks should disqualify anyone seeking to be in charge of the United States Army, which includes many out and proud soldiers,” said Sarah Kate Ellis, President and CEO of GLAAD. “Our nation is strongest when we are together – and calling transgender people ‘evil’ does just the opposite.” 

State Senator Green’s anti-LGBTQ words and record as Tennessee State Senator fall right in line with President Trump and his anti-LGBTQ administration. From being the lead sponsor of SB 127, a bill that would allow Tennessee companies to discriminate LGBTQ people, to supporting the state’s so-called “bathroom bill” – Mark Green would only add to a Trump Administration that from Day One has consistently aimed to erase the LGBTQ community from the fabric of the United States.

Below is the transcription from Mark Green’s interview with the Hotwash with CJ and Alex Program, which aired on June 3, 2016.

“The government exists to honor those people who live honorable who do good things – to reward people who behave well and to crush evil. So that means as a state senator, my responsibility very clearly in Romans 13 is to create an environment where people who do right are rewards and the people who do wrong are crushed. Evil is crushed. So I’m going to protect women in their bathrooms, and I’m going to protect our state against potential infiltration from the Syrian ISIS people in the refugee program. And whoever wants to stand up and take me on that, I’m ready to fight.”


— Insists that being “transgender is a disease.”

 Lead sponsor of a Tennessee state bill that would allow local companies to discriminate against LGBTQ people without any repercussion from local government.

 Sponsor of an anti-trans Tennessee state bill requiring students to use restrooms in accordance with their birth certificates.

 Green backed Tennessee state bill that allows therapist to turn away LGBTQ clients based on their “sincerely held religious beliefs.”

 Sponsor of bill allowing teachers to shun content that conflicts with their beliefs (widely interpreted to include LGBTQ inclusion).



April 20, 2017

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