Marco Rubio Tells Christian Broadcasting Network It's 'Absurd' to Think Gays Have Constitutional Right to Marry: VIDEO
Pandering to the right-wing, religious zealot vote on the Christian Broadcasting Network this weekend, Florida senator and 2016 presidential candidate Marco Rubio dismissed claims that gay people have a constitutional right to marry as “ridiculous and absurd.”
Said Rubio:
It doesn’t exist. There is no federal constitutional right to same sex-marriage. There isn’t such a right. You would have to really have a ridiculous and absurd reading of the U.S. constitution to reach the conclusion that people have a right to marry someone of the same sex. There is no such constitutional right.
Rubio went on to say that marriage equality supporters “ostracize anyone who disagrees with them as haters.”
[h/t Right Wing Watch]
Kyler Geoffroy
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