Man Writes Touching Apology Letter To Gay Couple He Taunted 20 Years Ago

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Man Writes Touching Apology Letter To Gay Couple He Taunted 20 Years Ago

gay-couple-140715It’s never too late to tell someone you’re sorry.

man in Nebraska just published an apology to a young gay couple he taunted in public more than 20 years ago. The anonymous letter was posted on Craigslist in Omaha.

“Dear young gay couple in 1993,” it begins. “You were sitting together on the curb near the entrance of Worlds of Fun. I was walking in with my church youth group. I was 17 and bigoted, taught that you were wrong and sinful.”

“I looked over to see you together, relaxed and confident, and I said out loud, ‘Ewww gross.’”

Related: Gay Man Shuts Down Younger Sister’s Homophobic Bully With One Fantastic Facebook Post

“As we walked away I felt a prick of shame,” the man confesses. “Outwardly I had acted as if it was you who should be ashamed, but for over 20 years it has been me who carries this shame. I’m writing this today to apologize for my behavior.”

The man goes on to say he is “so sorry” for ruining their special moment together and for treating them as second class citizens.

“I want you to know that shortly after this youth group trip I entered college and my whole world changed,” he writes. “My learned bias and my belief in homosexuality as a sin was flipped upside down as I was exposed to new people and new ideas. I have walked away from the religion that taught me to hate.”

“Wherever you are,” he concludes, “I hope you’re each still sitting close with a loved one and living a wonderful life.”

Related: Ex-Bully Comes Out As Gay, Apologizes For Homophobic Torment

h/t: LGBTQNation

Graham Gremore

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