Man Who Slept With 400 People Refuses To Be Slut Shamed, Says There’s No Such Thing As Too Much Sex
Dylan Jones likes, er, loves sex. He’s had more sexual partners than he can even remember. And no, he’s not apologizing for it.
In a new op-ed titled Calling All Slut-Shamers: There’s No Such Thing As Too Much Sex, Jones explains why he’s so over people criticizing him for his supercharged libido.
Related: What Slut Shaming Really Says About The Gay Community
Jones estimates his number of paramours falls “somewhere around the four hundred mark. An average of two every week for four years. And that’s not even counting weekends.”
“I’m not remotely insecure about it,” he writes. “I have absolutely no shame.”
He recalls an incident that happened while he was at a party a few months ago.
“The subject of sexual headcount came up, as it often does,” he says. “I gave my (estimated) figure, and a creature wearing a Topman t-shirt and a judgmental brand of hair gel piped up: ‘Oh so you’re a slut then?’ I didn’t know how to respond.”
This got him thinking: “Like, what’s your definition of ‘slut’? What does the word ‘slut’ even mean? Is there a number on it? Like, if you’ve slept with 29 people you’re not a slut, but if you’ve slept with 30, you are?”
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Slut-shaming, Jones says, is a real problem among gay men. In fact, he gets it more from them than any other group of people.
“I’ve only ever been slut-shamed by other gay men,” he says. “Girls are usually fairly indifferent, and straight men are usually envious.”
“It’s quite clear to me that the reason a lot of gay men slut-shame is because of their own insecurities,” he continues. “If they encounter someone who’s unapologetically sexually active, it can be threatening, and perhaps makes a little dose of self-loathing homophobia bubble to the surface.”
Jones calls the whole thing “ridiculous.”
“It’s impossible to have too much sex,” he proclaims. “As long you’re comfortable with what you’re doing and go about it safely, THERE. IS. NO. SUCH. THING. AS. TOO. MUCH. SEX. How can there be?”
“Unless you’re religious,” he continues, “there’s no reason why it should have any moral implications for yourself or anyone else. It’s quite simply putting one part of your body into another part of someone else’s body, or vice versa.”
“If you’re uncomfortable with how much sex I have, you’re entitled to your opinion,” Jones concludes. “Just don’t judge me when you meet me at parties. And use a different brand of hair gel. Who knows, you might even get laid.”
Related: Five Ways To Embrace & Enjoy Your Kinky Fetish
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