Madonna Is Hard At Work in Newly Surfaced Outtake Reel from 1990 ‘Vogue’ Music Video Shoot: WATCH
A previously unreleased collection of outtakes from Madonna’s 1990 “Vogue” music video shoot has surfaced online, showing the Material Girl hard at work on what would later become the most iconic music video of her career.
The Backlot reports:
Featuring dancers Donna DeLory, Niki Haris, and a slightly different hairstyle than what ultimately was used in the stylish David Fincher directed video, the short rejected segments give us an idea of what could have been.
The 25th anniversary of “Vogue” took place back in March.
Related, “26 Moments That Make Madonna The Most Pro-Gay Pop Ally of All Time”
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Kyler Geoffroy
Madonna Is Having a Ball in Newly Surfaced Outtake Reel from 1990’s ‘Vogue’ Music Video Shoot: WATCH
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