Madonna Almost Dies On Stage After Major Wardrobe Malfunction
Holy shit. Someone just got fired.
While performing before a live audience at the Brit Awards in London this evening, Madonna was violently yanked down a flight of stairs by one of her backup dancers. She crashed to the ground several feet below and struggled to regain her composure.
The Living for Love hit maker was wearing a black Armani cape. The plan was for the backup dancer to pull the cape off to reveal a sparkly red getup underneath. But before doing so, Madonna was supposed to untie the strap around her neck.
Evidently the strap was too tight because when the backup grabbed the cape, he accidentally pulled Madonna down with it.
But, just like the lyrics in her song, the Queen “carried on.” Ever the pro, she got up off the ground, took a deep breath, and kept on singing. (Though she was likely dying of embarrassment inside.)
Shortly afterward, she posted the following message to her Instagram page:
A photo posted by Madonna (@madonna) on Feb 25, 2015 at 2:50pm PST
Long live the Queen!
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